Aug 04, 2009 02:04
So I've been kinda of a lousy friend lately. I've been trying to see a lot of people and when I see them I've been exhausted and terrible socially. In fact I've been favoring going out because it seems to be easier than forming concepts in my head sadly. Stupid not sleeping. Oh and I've been really bad at calling in the first place or returning calls and texts unless it's good timing like me being alert or not busy at the moment.
Side note... I hate how when I'm conversing with my friend on facebook. (he's in japan so texting or talking not so much of option) my computer wont let me continue typing until I at least read what he stated. Very frustrating and pissing me off I can't finish a sentence here. It took me 10 mins just to finish the first two sentences.
Anyways. Today as an example I went shopping with amber where I was finding work pants support for her since I probably shouldn't buy anything and I really just miss being able to hang out with my sisters. Then we ran into jessica's ex who I didn't recognize despite seeing him for a week straight on vacation. Apparently a tie can really change a person that much. Between us two though we were low energy lethargic girls. Then I met tiff for a small dinner where we both almost fell asleep at fazolis and I decided that coffee was a must. Our conversation was good but kind of erratic on account of both of us exhausted and forgetting stories half way through.
Then drove down to perry and met up with brandee and her friend where I rambled on and on probably from the coffee. Not one of my most sucessful social days but oh well. It was still quality time with people I don't get to see often so it will have to do.
Tomorrow I think I'm gonna relax a bit more so i'm not stuck in the same pattern. I think the 3-12 shift on sunday threw me for a loop. I'll adjust soon.
Oh fun bit. I woke up with a giant bruise on my leg today under my knee. No idea where it's from. Amber thought maybe spider bite then I showed her and she digressed. Ya know since it looks like someone really short hit me with a lead pipe or maybe I kicked my dresser in my sleep. Both might be possible. Sadly that's my fourth current bruise on that leg that I'm unaware of how it came about. I'd question if I sleep walk but I think kail might notice that. Who knows though he's kinda a heavy sleeper.
Last but not least saw a show called the guild lately. Fernando Chien is a cutie which is odd since I'm not usually attracted guys a decade older than me since they remind me too much of my dad.
Either way show is funny if you get online role playing games at all. And when I say that I mean literally at all since I've never played but still think the show is funny.
Oh yeah so thanks to the new spot light journals I've been obsessively looking at creepy crawlies. Mainly spiders though. Dude look up camel spider aka wind scorpion. it's a scorpion that looks very much like a spider but yeah I'm not gonna sleep tonight now. ewww.