Mar 05, 2004 22:53
I am a HUGE animal lover. Seriously, I get depressed if I see an animal on the side of the road it will ruin my whole day. Laura agrees with me.
So I was reading this article about things you can do to help promote animal awareness. Here are three major sites you can visit to help out:
There are a ton of things you can do everyday to help.
1.Do the speed limit. Countless of animals have died because someone was going to damn fast and not paying attention. Not to mention the fact it puts your life in danger as well.
2. Buy a six-pack? Cut up the plastic rings when you're done. THat stuff gets put in dumpsites which then get dumped into lakes and rivers which in result can choke a duck, fish or other animal.
3. Say no against dissection of animals. Check your school's policies. Frogs, mice and even cats are breed just for that reason.
4. Check what you buy. Don't buy any products that have been made from animals and/or have been tested on animals. They don't have voices so we have to speak for them.
5. Wanna get involved? Volunteer at your local animal shelter or help clean up the park. Even a little bit helps and it will make you feel better about yourself.
6. Neuter or spray your pet. Not only will your cat or dog be a lot healthier but you could be helping cut back on the growing number of abandoned and unwanted animals.
7. Remember that animals are not like humans. They don't possess the power to stand up for themselves. We can tear down their homes and run them over but we're too busy to give a helping hand? Psh. Give me a break. No, give them a break.
A lot of you might laugh but I take this stuff seriously. I know I have been slacking on doing my part but I'm already in the process of helping. So if you don't like animals or find my opinion a load of shit, I really don't care. You can click that little [x] at the top corner. I would say go fuck a duck but thats promoting animal cruelty.