May 10, 2007 11:56
So Human Giant is one of the funniest shows I've seen in a while. It airs on MTV2 (I think) Thursdays at 9:30. Some of its sketches were hit or miss, but for the most part they all made me laugh pretty hard.
While I was downloading Human Giant episodes to watch, I decided to try out Jericho, a TV series I'd been curious about but had never actually watched. In my eyes, it's essentially a televised version of Pat Frank's Alas, Babylon. Both creations feature a small town struggling to survive following the effects of what the viewer or reader presumes to be a nuclear war. Alas, Babylon was amazing when I first read it. It was everything I imagined a work of post-apocalyptic fiction would be. Dark, dreary, hopeless but not too hopeless, etc. Jericho, on the other hand, was almost too lame to watch because of the fucking music. Music for everything. When music is overused in such a way as to inform the viewer how to feel, you know you're in for a shitty show. They even had one of those moments in the first episode where you're half expecting one character to say to the zany, intended to be humorous character, "Oh, you! You rascal! *GUFFAW*" It even had the wacky, funny country riffs playing in the background, like something you'd see out of Walker when he slips on a banana peel and roundhouse kicks Trivette in the face. I don't want to see zany in post-apocalyptic drama. Why? Because the fucking nuclear explosions in the distance aren't very, a-huck a-huck, zany.
Anyway, rant over.