Bitch what did you just say?

Aug 10, 2004 22:04

Have I ever told you how much I HATE FL AND WANT TO BURN IT AND THE PPL IN IT?!?! Sep for the ppl that are cool Other wize the rest can die!

I took my puppy out side to day and was playing with her and we have a gate around our yard so we take her out the 24-7 so I was like "Pixie I gotta pee so if you will hold on" well we got the nextdoor ppl and they suck ass they are Mexican now I am not in ANY WAY racist but these ppl are slobs and blare music and ther just really rude. RALLY RUDE. So they own 18 kids serious they have like 18 of them so I left Pixie out there cause I had to pee so I am coming out if the bathroom and I hear them laffing and screaming stuff so I was like "w/e" and then I heard my dog crying not any cry a painful cry so I run out side and they have my fucking puppy upside down holding her by her hindlegs so I screamed at them and went and got my puppy and I got the hose and sprayed them. Fucking teach them to mess with my puppy! So I am in side trying to get her to stop crying and like hiding in my neck and the crook of my arm I hear this lady talking then yelling about 3 min later BAMBAMBAMABAMABM on my door so I put Pixie in her pin and I went to the door and there was this short little thing screaming at me in Spanish so since know how to write Spanish but not like talk it I wrote down what they did. So she was like "Ce ce ce beoncha ke ponta" (I just made that up) I was about to slam the door in her face when she called me a white bitch so I turned and said "Bitch say what?" She smiled so I pushed her out side went to the other side of the house got the hose and got her soaked then she wanted to hit me and she did then I hit her a few times my sister pulled up and was like "LUCKY WTF BABYGURL GET OFF OF HER STOP IT" So she got this bitch but her mile long briad and told her to go home then she got me pushed me in side and asked what the hell was going on! So I told her so she went over there.....she did not go alone. The fucking cops took me to downtown naples and booked me! My mom had to bail! Lol none of my friends are going to know sept for the ones who read me live journal but it was fucking crazy. So I might get some CS time I dont fucking care teach her to come onto my year call me a white bitch then hit me!!!

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