Oct 26, 2006 22:59
Well it's quite good fun... once you manage to get an EA account through the in-game login thing, and find a free name, and logon, and create a uniquely named soldier and avoid joining a clan, and have fought your way through the control setup, video setup etc. Then managed to actually connect to a server, then wait for 45 minutes whilst it "Optimizing shaders for your graphics card", then it loads for 10 mins, then you re-connect because it loses it's connection to EA's master server, then reload again because it lost connection to the server you tried to join that is now full because you had to reload because you lost connection then once you're ingame it's quite pretty...
... then it crashes so you go out, lower your graphics settings to an approximately Battlefield 1942 level, then you reload, you find a server and try and join and it only spend 25 minutes "Optimizing shaders for your graphics card", then reconnect, then reload for another 10 minutes, then i just refuses to connect for a while about 5 minutes...
...eventually you get ingame and play for a while at these lower graphics settings. About 30/45 minutes until you've nearly destroyed the enemy titan, as you stand on the cusp of glory...
...the connection to EA's master server is lost and you're dumped out of the game.
(NB: currently 73% through the uninstall)
I think i'll wait for this one to go through a few patches.
PS: yes i know that "optimizing" should be spelt with an 's' however it's an American game and i'm quoting. As well as seething at the use of the letter 'z'.