I Hate Know It All Chocolate

Jan 05, 2008 19:09

Title: Reflection 
Author: Me!
Fandom: Tortal/Tamora Pierce/etc
Characters: Alanna, Thayet with mentions of Jon, George, Coram and Rispah
Pairings: Alanna/George, Thayet/Jon, Alanna/Jon, Coram/Rispah
Rating: E
Summary: Alanna and Thayet have a talk after she returns to the Bazhir.
A/N: Ok... I have a feeling the Coram/Rispah convo happens when George goes to her... but alas I have leant that book out to a friend and I couldn't check! But please, enjoy! ^-^


Alanna lay awake in her Bazhir tent. It was good to be back after the fast city life she’d been living. She still mourned her brother’s death, but felt no remorse for Roger this time. That book had been closed - for good.

Jon’s coronation was all a blur in her mind, though certain images were clearer than the tent she lay in. Roger standing there, smug as ever. Thom’s stony body with the unnatural grey twinge more prominent than ever. Liam, limp after the fight. The twinkle in George’s eye when she spotted him in the crowd. It was even there during the fight.

That twinkle had given her hope, the strength to fight. Jon had needed his Champion, his Lioness, but she had needed hope. And that’s what George gave her.

In a way, he always had. Knowing that she was a girl all those years, calling her by her real name despite being lied to - it gave her the courage to explain to her friends when the time came. Only in hindsight did she realise this though. But it was in hindsight that she realised a lot.

A soft knock came from her fabric door. Alanna sat, expecting to find one of the Bazhir girls. A look of pleasant surprise filled her violet eyes when she saw Thayet half poking her way through the door.

Alanna beckoned her in whilst the small talk was exchanged. Thayet brought news of Corus, all the repairs that were taking place. She also brought news of Coram and Rispah.

“So Coram’s finally made an honest woman of her then!” Alanna joked as she poured a drink for her weary friend. She smiled as she accepted the goblet from the Lioness, but it quickly faded as she stared into the cup. Alanna’s violet eyes missed nothing. “Is everything all right?”

Thayet nodded, but her eyes still lingered on the drink in her hand. “Yes, it’s just… the thing I’m about to ask you. It could possibly be very inappropriate of me, but I have to ask. Do you still love Jon?”

The question caught Alanna off guard. She thought that it was only Coram who asked her that these days. Her surprise warmed to a smile.

“I will always love Jon. But I am not his Queen. You are Thayet, and I think you’ll make a brilliant Queen. Jon needs reminding that he isn’t invincible sometimes, he’d listen to you.” Thayet blushed from the unexpected kindness Alanna showed. “And he loved you. That’s reason enough for you to be his Queen.”

“It wasn’t for you.” Thayet pointed out quietly.

Alanna smiled a quirky half smile. “I know, but I’ve been told insanity runs in my family.” The smile grew as both women laughed. Once they’d caught their breaths again, Alanna added, “You have my blessing. I wish you both a lifetime of happiness.”

Thayet smiled, but couldn’t help but wonder aloud, “What about you?” Alanna merely smirked. The Lioness had her George.

tamora pierce, tortall, fic

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