fic: don't let the darkness eat you up [Remus/Sirius]

Dec 21, 2013 17:09

Title: don't let the darkness eat you up
Fandom/Pairing: Harry Potter; Remus/Sirius
Words: just over 700
Rating: Tame. One F-bomb. JK Rowling owns all.
Summary: Sirius is late and Remus very nearly has a panic attack.
A/N: Well, it's December 21st and this is the first fic I've finished all year. I won't bore you with tales of my writer's block. Let's just say, I'm glad the puppies visited me today. Title taken from song lyrics from "Down the Line" by Jose Gonzalez.

don't let the darkness eat you up

It was late and frost was already creeping on the windows, blocking Remus' view of the street outside the flat. The itchy wool blanket hanging on his shoulders wasn't warm. It barely warded off the chill in the air, but there was no hope for the chill in his bones.

Sirius was late.

And not the "Bollocks, Moony, I just popped into the pub for a pint with James," late either. It was the kind of late that made Remus stand guard at frost covered windows, knuckles white gripping the kitchen counter. The kind of late that made Remus' heart beat a little erratically. No amount of chocolate or hot cocoa could curtail the panic settling deep in his chest.

Then his overactive imagination kicked in, sending him down a rabbit hole of horrible reasons for Sirius' lateness. Traffic accidents. Rabid animals. Death Eaters. Friendly fire. Spontaneous combustion. Each one worse that the last.

Remus took a shaky breath to settle his thoughts and contemplated borrowing Sirius' cigarettes. He hated Sirius' cigarettes. He contemplated locking himself in their bedroom, burrowing himself under blankets hoping it would smother his overactive brain. It was useless.

He was so busy worrying that he almost missed the shadowy figure that approached the flat. Flinging himself away from the window so as not to look like a lusty virgin bride impatiently awaiting her groom, he landed on the sofa with a thud. He had a split second to arrange the blanket around him to look artfully disheveled before the door swung open.

Sirius came in and his lopsided grin shone a light on all of Remus' darkness, vanishing his fearful daydreams. He wasn't even bothered that Sirius was shaking out snow from his raven hair and his boots were tracking mud on the carpet. All that mattered was that he was here.

He was safe for another night.

"Fuck, it's cold in here!" Sirius yelped as he kicked his boots off, not caring where they landed.

"The heater's still broken." Remus replied, biting his tongue to hold back the rest.

Where were you? Don't you know what this does to me? No, you don't. Otherwise, you'd be home at a decent hour. And then I wouldn't have to do this every night. I couldn't bear it if something happened to you. It would destroy me. I can't face the world like this without you.

But Sirius was already molding himself into the sofa, into Remus, like a missing puzzle piece. The top of his head bumped Remus' jaw roughly as he buried his face in Remus' neck. Remus almost cried out when Sirius stuck an ice cold hand up his tattered sweater, pressing it to his belly. Instead, Remus wrapped his arms around him, holding him tightly.

"Who needs heat when I've got my Moony?" Sirius said, lips moving against Remus' neck. His stubble rubbed against Remus and it was just as enticing as his lips. He smelled like snow and wet dog but Remus loved it. He let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding as he reveled in the weight and warmth of Sirius' body. This was heaven, he was convinced. Forget fluffy white clouds, golden harps, and angelic wings. This sofa and this blanket and Sirius' hot mouth against his skin was all he needed in this life and the next.

"You were late. Again." Remus said, tugging lightly on Sirius' hair.

"Were you worrying again? I thought we talked about this."

"You know I can't help it."

"I know. But when I'm out there, knowing you're here is what gets me through. Nothing's going to happen to me. To us. I promise."

"You can't make lofty promises like that."

"You know you're an idiot, right?"

"Sirius, I'm being perfectly--"

"--Will you shut up if I kiss you?"

"Kissing is not the solution here!"

"Oh Remus, I beg to differ. Kissing is the solution to all of life's problems."

Sirius' lips crashed into Remus' before he could protest further. His eyes slipped shut as he kissed Sirius back, an effervescent calm warmed his bones. This time his heart beat faster for a different reason.

Sirius was right. Kissing was the perfect solution.

fic, [pairing] remus/sirius, [book] harry potter

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