fic: Domina [Spartacus]

Jan 25, 2012 10:57

Title: Domina
Fandom: Spartacus (tv)
Rating: PG-13 for language and violence. Starz owns all.
Summary: Taking place immediately after the finale of season one, Lucretia ponders her fate.
A/N: I'm obsessed with this show. I wrote this before I watched the new episode of Vengeance, so I went back and tweaked the ending. So it is mostly canon compliant. Enjoy.



Memories of crimson splashing the walls and floor of the atrium came flooding back to Lucretia. It was a horrible scene, worse than any gladiatorial match she bore witness to. The slaves were mad to think this bloodbath would go unpunished, Spartacus worst of all. Champion of Capua? Hardly. Fucking traitor of Capua. If only Quintus heeded her warning from the start. Perhaps the Batiatus would not have come to ruin. She knew that Quintus' anger was swift and unyielding. She would see to it that Quintus exacted revenge at once. Such a large amount of slaves could not go unnoticed. If they hurried, the horde might be captured before they left the city.

A searing pain ripped through her abdomen causing her breath to leave her lungs, all thoughts of vengeance lost to agony. With much effort, Lucretia slowly moved her hand to her belly and felt the warm wetness soaking her dress. She remembered, then, the worst betrayal of all.

Crixus. Hers and hers alone. His eyes had been like stone as his blade slipped inside her, killing the life they had made together. The life she had longed for for so long. Her heart ached at the loss of both her child and her lover. It was too much to bear.

The pain finally brought her to consciousness. Her eyelids fluttered open and saw red. The blood stained everything it touched. The floor was littered with bodies. It was then that Lucretia realized she was on the floor. Something cold touched her outstretched arm and she was gripped with a sudden fear.

The house was eerily silent, threatening to crush her with its weight. Surely, Quintus would be raging, his curses echoing off the walls. Instead, only silence.

Lucretia splayed her fingers across the floor, forcing herself up on her elbow, breathing hard against the throbbing in her stomach. Her eyes fell upon the cold thing that had touched her hand. Quintus, her husband, lay dead with his throat slashed, his arm reaching out towards her. Her body shook at the horror before her. Everything was lost. She was alone and had nothing without Quintus.

The scream of horror that tore from Lucretia's lips was heard throughout Capua.

Ilithyia shuddered upon hearing the sound, thinking it the howling wind. She pulled the hood tighter around her face, tucking a lock of golden hair behind her ear. She was glad to be done with this horrid place with its backstabbing bitches and good for nothing men. The thought of Lucretia and Quintus coming to demise brought a smile to her. It would all be put behind her now, for she returned to Rome and her husband.

They moved in shadow, using the dark to their advantage. The scream that rent the air was enough to run a chill down the spine of even the most brutal of gladiators. Crixus grasped Spartacus' arm. "The Domina yet lives." he whispered.

Spartcus' eyes were cool in the moonlight. "If she lives, it will not be for much longer. She is not your Domina any longer, Crixus. You are free." he said.

A hint of a smile played across Crixus' mouth before he took the lead, in search of his one love. Naevia.

fic, [tv] spartacus, gen

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