ficlet: End of Summer (HP, R/S)

Sep 07, 2008 16:56

Title: End of Summer
Fandom/Pairing: Harry Potter; Remus/Sirius
Rating: PG for boylove. JKR owns all.
Summary: A glimpse of the marauders' last afternoon of summer before their last year at Hogwarts. The calm before the storm.
A/N: I really like this one. Not much happens, but the end of summer is what most of us are going through at the moment. A little angst, but a whole lot of love.

Enjoy and comment!

End of Summer

In the far corner of James’ backyard, where Mr. Potter rarely got around to yard work, there was a tree. A tree of the best sort, with huge, strong branches perfect for climbing (and for escaping the wrath of Mrs. Potter after bringing muddy quidditch gear into the house); the sort of branches that you could get lost in, climbing up up up until you were lost to the world below and entered into your own leafy universe. Of course you’d have to share it with the sparrows and the occasional squirrel, but even the critters could be overlooked for the tranquility of the tree’s branches (and the amazing view of the girl next door lounging by her swimming pool.)

Without proper gardening in this forlorn corner of the backyard, the grass grew tall and thick around the trunk of the tree. Blades, turned yellow and parched, were dense enough to conceal two sixteen year-old boys from the harsh, judgmental sun. It didn’t matter that it was too warm for tangled limbs and clasped hands, these two were new at love and not even the most unforgiving weather was going to keep them apart. It did not matter that Remus’ forehead was peeling from a week-old sunburn or that Sirius, no doubt, had ants in his trousers, because it was their last day of freedom and freedom these days was a swiftly disappearing commodity. This time next year, they would be graduates and would be faced with daunting real-life choices like finding a job or figuring out what to make for breakfast.

So they explored each other with shaky hands, half hidden in the grass, while James and Peter hung from tree branches making animal noises at the neighbors. And when their lips met, chapped and tasting of Mrs. Potter’s lemonade, the world faded from view. They would always remember this moment-the quickly setting summer sun, the smell of dirt and grass and sweat, laughter and stolen kisses-as the last moment of peace and freedom before their world was torn apart by forces of dark and hatred. This would be the moment, the memory, that kept them hoping for an end to the darkness and a chance to build their lives anew.

fic, [pairing] remus/sirius, [book] harry potter, mwpp

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