Aug 29, 2007 21:04
I will spare all of you the trouble of having to read the full history of me and my new mp3 player, the victory pmp840, which is awful. Suffice to say that I have been having trouble with the thing for about two months now, the full time in which I have been able to enjoy it being somewhere around two hours.
Today I got a new one, which is good since my old one had competely stopped working. I was rather excited, tentatively believing the maybe I would now be able, finally, to enjoy my silly little pink thing. This is not the case. This second mp3 player I got has worked for about one minute before it decided to stop responding to anything I did.
So I checked the manual to see what I should do in such a situation, seeing as the battery is inside the thing (to be charged while plugged in to a pc) and simply pulling it out and putting it back in would be quite impossible. The manual said to me that I should press the reset-button. Seemingly a very sensible thing to do. So I tried to find this "reset-button", but was unable to. All I found was the word 'reset' printed somewhere on the right side of my victory mp3 player. No button.
So now I am stuck once again with an mp3 player that does not work. The only thing to remind me that I should really have a working music machine is the fact that I have less money on my bank account than I would have had had I not bought the stupid and worthless thing.