Ugh, I feel like shit. My stomach has been an on and off bastard today, I just feel like sticking a knife through it, maybe at least it would be gone, and I dead.
I shouldn't be all morbid. But then again I should. Summer's almost over. Next week, I have volleyball camp, but that's only at night. Then, starting the 18th I have volleyball tryouts. Joy to the fucking world.
I barely did any shit these past 3 days... I wrote half an "essay" I'm supposed to be writing gay essays because I need practice for the essay we're supposed to write for the new SAT (I'm taking the new one, not the old one, can't handle the SAT this year, I feel like a dumb piece of shit) and the college admission essay, and I need to practice my writing skills because once we get into school, we need to write a fucking essay on the fucking summer reading. Wonderful, no?
So here's what I did:
- SAT shit
- Added tutorials to my site. KEVIN WHERE ARE YOU! >_<
- Science Research
- My article
- A teeny weeny bit of summer reading. I can't put this off forever, goddamnit. I HATE SUMMER READING!
Oh, I think I got rid of the evil thing that was being a fucking menace on my computer. Lauren, you were right, it was Spyware. Not exactly spyware, it was adware, which serves the same function as spyware only it gives you shitloads of ads. Fucking ads. And guess where it came from? Bearshare. You know how if you get a free downloading service that you have to allow some ads or whatever? Well, Save is adware. But if you go to C:\Program Files\Save, you get rid of the ads and Bearshare still works! *surprise*
I watched the Ricki show or whatever the fuck it's called. Usually a junky show with assholes complaining about an ex or whatever, but today's was interesting. There were about 6 stubborn bitches that slept with approximately 200 men and they think it's okay to go around having unprotected sex. I turned off the TV after this lady was like, "I'm still gonna have unsafe sex because I don't like how the condom feels." USE A FUCKING CONDOM! DON'T THROW YOUR LIFE IN DANGER JUST BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T WANT TO USE A FREAKING PIECE OF PLASTIC GODDAMNIT!
Now go read my essay, it's finished.
Never did I consider working with little children due to the level of annoyance I had to put up with my own brother. It would be the equivalent of confined in a room full of 20 of my brothers, which is quite a scary thought.
However, I find little children extremely cute. Cute, but annoying. A bit contradicting, no? After countless mental battles occurring in my brain, I finally decided to volunteer at a day care center near my house, just for the sake of experience.
Helping out little children was experience beyond experience. No two children were the same, regardless if they were twins or not; each were special in their own way, yet every single one of them were extremely fastidious about everything going around them. One boy put on his pouty face and whiny voice if I served him peaches with the brown portion (where the pit belonged) while other children ate it without complaints; one girl started crying because the name tag on her cubby started to peel away. Tragedies, all of them.
Every morning was practically routine, certain kids would come in and cry because they didn’t want their parents to leave them in a place where they know that they would be taken care of just wonderfully. One girl Shrila cried every single day for her dad when she was dropped off in the morning - she cried even harder she he gave blew her a kiss - and cried until her friend Yoona came. Yoona and Shrila were inseparable, just like James Potter and Sirius Black from Harry Potter; they would cry together, sleep together at nap-time and play together; you would never see one without the other as long as they were both there. Yoona started crying for her mother once and wished to sit on my lap. I acquiesced, of course, considering that they were little children needing love and care. As I placated her, Shrila came over and started tugging on Yoona’s shirt, only causing more tears to flow from Yoona’s eyes. Shrila would not stop no matter what I said to her, telling her she would only cause Yoona to cry more if she wouldn’t stop tugging on her shirt; she only protested with remarks of “Yoona’s my friend, she’s my friend.” Unfortunately, Shrila, if Yoona was such a great friend of yours, logically, you wouldn’t be tugging on her shirt to make her cry some more.
I was majorly surprised when I realized that these little children, ranging from 3-7 years in age were already arranged in their little posses, consisting of mainly 2-4 people. You would have the two boys, John and Connor, rolling hula hoops down the smallest hill in the history of the world; three girls, Sarah, Hannah and Taylor playing their little inventive game of “Splish Splash;” the group of twins that were building some apparatus with building blocks and playing dress-up (I swear, they're gonna get married one day); the boys from the kindergarten that made volcanoes (out of sand, of course), and everybody else was just basically a social butterfly, bouncing from group to group and playing with different people. It was quite interesting. What's more interesting is that I fell in love with this one kid.
Now, hypothetically speaking, if you were me, how can you not resist a boy with blue eyes, blonde hair, a cute face and a Spiderman shirt with a name of Clinton? You can’t, that’s the problem. I was completely and totally captivated by how adorable he was. The first day I was there, he couldn’t fall asleep; he kept rolling all over the place, on the floor, onto another person’s mat; he was just being a nuisance. I bent down to rub his back to get to at least stay still for a minute, but he just climbed on my lap. After stroking his hair for ten minutes, he wanted his blankie. Not only did he one blankie, but two. In addition to his blankie, he needed water, two frogs which sat at the highest level of shelves (causing me to stand on a stool with the fear of stepping on an innocent child’s face), and to use the bathroom. After all that trouble I went through for him, he still refused to go to sleep. I would rub his back, stroke his hair, rub his stomach, but he just wouldn’t sleep. Wednesday, however, I realized that once I leave the room he would fall asleep; making me feel that he was extremely attached to me. Two weeks later, I served my duty at the Seed and it was time to say goodbye to Clinton; he gave the biggest bear hug a four-year-old could possibly give me, and a kiss to remember him by.
After three weeks of volunteering at a day care center, little children had made such a big impact on my life; it was more than just staying home and simply babysitting my brother, but understanding how a children’s mind works; working out their needs and demands and tending to 15 or more of them all at once. It made me feel like a little kid to play games with them, it was just rejuvenating to be around children, to make me say to myself, “don’t grow up too quick, and don’t lose all your innocence.”
I think I'm done. Really. I need to read my friends :)
PS: Claudia loves me. :) Look at her layout
easilyamuzed isn't it awesome? :)
Meh. My summer's gone as I know it. Damn volleyball tryouts >_< once they start... it's all over :(