Title: After: Chapter 14. What Married People Discuss - Revenge - I'm On A Boat - How to Break In and Influence People - A Plague of Information
Characters: Hurley, Ben (Penny, Desmond, OC, Lost Exp)
Rating: PG-13, some language
Notes: 2900+ words, this chapter. New ongoing story. Post series with elements of humor, adventure, travel, and OCs. Elements from the Lost Experience ARG continue to be woven into the narrative, though all necessary information will be presented within story confines itself.
Directory: (
here) -all entries also tagged.
Summary: When one story ends, another begins. Hurley's new role will bring new challenges and big decisions. Meanwhile, his assistant just hangs on as the island world he knew changes around him.
In this chapter: Penelope Hume is still rightfully angry about recent events and discusses them, along with her next move, with her husband, Desmond. The outcome of her decisions will lead to pain for someone down the road. Meanwhile, Ben's new pet informant starts her move within Paik Bioscience and makes what will ultimately be a fateful and frightening discovery.
I want to give some hurt back.)