Unexpected Saturday

Jan 23, 2006 00:56

When I woke up yesterday morning, I had no idea what I was in for the rest of the day. All I was going to do was go to the mall to exchange some clothes and then maybe catch a movie. Anyway, I was screwing around online when I noticed my friend Dick was also online, so I messaged him just to say hi and what's up. Well, it turned out that his sister's boyfriend had tickets to a monster truck show yesterday afternoon and invited me to come along. Now I haven't been to one of these since I was a kid and wasn't sure if I wanted to face the "NASCAR" crowd. Now there were some crazies out there, but the show itself was fucking awesome. We saw a bunch of monster trucks crush cars and get big air and do crazy ass spinouts. We saw shitty four-wheeler races, a dude on an off-road Segway, and a dragon fold a car in half.

After the show, Dick and I went on a mission to find him a Mario Party 7 Gamecube bundle. Apparently, this thing is the holy grail of video games because no one anywhere seems to have them. We went all over the place and couldn't find one. Two Best Buys, Fry's, Grapevine Mills, nada. I lucked out during the process though. While at the new North Irving Best Buy, I found a nice 17" flat-panel, wide-screen format monitor that was a steal after employee discount. The total, including a three year service plan was cheaper than the retail price of the monitor. w00t!

After that, we went out to eat a place called Jack Astor's. I've seen this place advertised all the time at Stars games, but I've never actually been there. After finally eating there, I must say that it's one of the best restaurants I've ever been to. They have a large menu and the food is great. Try anything Itailan.

From there, we went to a little place called Reno's. Reno's is a biker bar in Deep Ellum that Dick has been wanting me to check out for a while now. Before going over there, I had the mindset that I was going to see a bunch of drunken, leather clad bikers and Hell's Angels members beating the hell out of each other with chains and knives. It wasn't like that at all. What I discovered was my vision of a perfect bar. It was a very cool, laid back environment. Everyone I met was super nice and very welcoming. This place has pool tables, comfortable couches, TVs on MTV2, loud, and I mean loud thrashing metal and hard rock playing all night long, and some of the craziest, hottest rocker girls you'll ever see. If you're 21+, in Deep Ellum and looking for a fun time, Reno's is where it's at. I'll definitely be going back soon.

Check out the website here: http://www.renoschopshop.com/
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