Nov 29, 2004 18:15
Grocery Shopping all alone is really depressing to me.
I have gone and picked stuff up before, but never full on
grocery shopped with a cart. All these stepford woman,
and huge arab familes with kids running everywhere.
And old ladies who refuse to move out of the way. You think I would
be used to it since I work in a grocery Store but no. Also I am like in a daze half asleep cause I am doing the morning shift to cover the lady that normally does it and i am like running on 3 hours of sleep. and I have been up for 12 hours so I was like...delerious and in slow motion...I was
a sad girl in a cute scarf tonight in tops. Thank god for my aunt though.
THe only reason I was even able to shop is because
she handed me a 50 dollar gift card cause she doesnt want me
to starve since I am so in debt i havent had food in my house in like
we've lived here since may and have only been to the grocery store 3 times...
I must have looked to pathetic when I had 4 of the same tv dinner in my cart.
THEY WERE MY FAVORITE kind on SALE!!! I hate cooking so wtf.
On another note.
Ashlee simpson is sooo fake. Her singing is fake. Her persona is fake. her hair is fake. she is a dumbass. and i hate her...Also I was watching "the ashlee simpson show" and what i got out of it, is that she got a record deal before any demos were done and before she had any songs written. So if you were wondering if she got the deal from her amazing singing voice.(psshaaaw) then that answers your question. she also dyed her hair black because the president of geffen records said he wants her to be the complete opposite of her sister. too bad they are both idiots and are exactly alike.
but of course I am listening to it.
Damn Pop Culture and its catchy songs.
ALSO. I know I have mentioned it once before but I AM STILL ENJOYING some of gwen stefanis tracks. Very 80's.