Nov 06, 2004 23:56
hello my loves quite a bit has happened lately hmm soccer is rlly good....i got voted captain of the team WOO HOO go me Ashley got co captain congrats!!!!! our first game is tuesday against terry parker n i knoe all yall are comin...mel n erica better be at the wednesday game vs fletcher!!!! lol well friday nite was pretty boring i got in a fight with my dad n cried myself to sleep then saturday mel n erica came to my rescue my loves me n mel drove to ericas to play lol we hung out went to cicis then did a lil shopping SHOES!!! erica had to babysit so mel n i went to do more shopping omg wut a cure to sadness lol i got some super cute clothes n found some lil boutique with supper hot clothes enyways tonite we r chillen then tommorrow got church...enyways i like sumone n i hope he knoes who he is....but ttfn oh yes: follow the leader now swallow his penis in ur mouth lol
love always.
the kelster