"An artificial appropriation of different styles from different eras, the hipster represents the end of Western civilization - a culture lost in the superficiality of its past and unable to create any new meaning. Not only is it unsustainable, it is suicidal. While previous youth movements have challenged the dysfunction and decadence of their elders, today we have the “hipster” - a youth subculture that mirrors the doomed shallowness of mainstream society. "
This article is scathingly awesome. Read the full thing if you're bored. It made me warm and fuzzy inside.
www.adbusters.org/magazine/79/hipster.html On a side note, I think someone should release a workplace-productivity PSA whose slogan simply reads "Drugs are my anti-Sudoku. What's yours?"
If you're looking for a real Evan status update, just take consolation that, to the best of my knowledge, I'm not dead yet. I reside somewhere between mediocrity and happiness, generally toward the latter, and remain, as always, pessimistically hopeful for the future. I did make a pretty awesome apple cashew chicken-salad tonight though, so thats gotta be good, right?