(no subject)

Apr 10, 2007 19:25

Hmm. I finished my Arch paper this morning after 4 hours or so, yet again proving that my crunch-time work ethic outshines my tendency for procrastination. I'm glad about that, and i've put my foot down--no more work today. Yes, i have more projects to work on, more due dates rolling in, but I will go insane if i don't take a breather tonight.

Seems like everyone is having a grand old time, so congrats to all parties involved in happiness-occurences. Salud. (no irony intended Kate--you never cease to scare the hell out of me, even in text form long after the fact). I am in classic "End of Year Numbness" where I can't really figure myself out. If anyone wants to be an external observer and clue me in, i'd be most appreciative.

My self-esteem has been up a bit more lately, as I've gotten to know some new people and even been randomly approached by nice stranger-types. There are a few girls that seem like they could have promise, and although I already have plans on how I'm going to drive them all away, right now I should be doin pretty dandy. I'm jealous, however, which cramps my style, so to speak. Which is ironic, because jealousy is so completely my style, but you get the idea.

This whole fraternity thing is working out nicely and i've been having a blast. Last week was a long (read: long) week full of stress and fun, work and not work.  I like everyone, and putting my neck out and taking risks on a few key occasions has paid off. Building friendships, expanding horizons.

Friendship rolodexing 101.

I'm hopeful, but there have been a few key instances over the past few weeks that have raised my spirits at first, only to turn out horribly/anticlimactically when plans were [cancelled/fell through/unworkable because shows sold out] , and those are the real dampeners. For being so even-keeled, I'm very all-over-the-place.

No Egypt this year...was that a good call on my part or a poor one? Methinks poor.

As a side note, the Ratatat version of Notorious B.I.G.'s "Party and bullshit" is pretty much the greatest thing my ears have ever gotten their hands on. Guess there's a few things that people can always fall back on to cheer them up. Who woulda thought mine was gangsta-rap dance remixes?
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