Jun 26, 2004 21:22
omg. i just got home from chris's...we cuddled, kissed, grinded and stuff..the normal. towards the end, i asked his mom if i could stay longer b/c of my mom..and her drinking, and she let me stay an hour more. and then in chris's room, like 10 min later, i started crying...and he held me and wiped away my tears and kissed me and told me if i ever had a situation like this again and i needed to talk to him...i could call him anytime. no matter what. he kept going "look at me" and when i did he's like "i have to make sure you aren't crying anymore...because if you are and i see your tears, i have to wipe them away as soon as possible" and we were watching the matrix in the truck (dvd player in it) and he kept leaning over and kissing me and holding me and telling me he loves me and i was like "i was afraid to let u see me cry or somethin b/c i thought u'd break up with me" he goes "now why would i do THAT? i love you too much to just let it end from that" i go "i am so in love with you chris" and he goes "i'm in love with you" and kissed me...i have never had anyone ever do any of those things. or even care. but omg he looked so sad, i was afraid he'd cry because he'd keep looking at me (he sat in front of me for a bit and held me that way,but a few min later he sat to the side of me and i curled against him) and it looked like his eyes were watering, and he'd look at all of my face to make sure there were no tears...i am so in love with him. <3 <3 <3