I can't believe you're standing here, in front of me, telling me I'm not real.

May 31, 2005 01:57

What the hell is wrong with us.

I mean, humans, fine. we need to do our thing, to go to the next evolution, to advance to the Age of Pisces, whatever. fine and swell. but why oh why do we have to suck on the way?

i mean, maybe its just us, and how we need to get over ourselves and stuff, but we judge others and ourselves impossibly harshly, and dont understand a damn thing about the point. we spend so much time talking about what we need, what we dont need, wants and lusts and loves, and falsities and craps, we just speculate, intellectualize, judge and friggin fall back into this hateful judging that furthers the human. the self, the goddamn self. what people somehow have begun to think is that we can better ourslves by becoming isolated. right. like tv's and cpus should run our minds.

people a relosing themselves to themselves. desires born by needless reality are polluting our ability o reason and determine just what right is. everybody needs to define a need that suits a small group, a country, themself. people believe we should all be put under the same scrutinous light. liberal vs conservative. good, bad. dark, light. diversity, same. are these really the extremes?

there are no extremes, children. we all are who we are, and our reality is not made by ourselves, it is only made by the way the world reflects us. you cannot simply will yourself to be happy, to be accepted, to be loved. you have to work at it, you have to become more of what you know is in your heart. we are all so lazy, we cover up our true beauty with technology and crappy references and culture steppes.

this is probably why no one understands me, or ever has. i dont know a damn thing about the society i grew up in, i only know the few things i know to communicate, but i lay in a realm of imagination so beautiful few words can let me be truthful lest for "dream" and "live". The beauty, the sweet, sweet beauty of it all, is we dont need anything except each other, because the love and acceptance of another can define us.
and as such, we can probably learn to accept each other in time, if only for the preservation of the self. but a hard lesson is to be learned.

dont force others to like you. dont try to make others like you. dont try to like yourself, and dont try to tell yourself things that arent apparent naturally. you are yourself. there is no liking of disliking yourself, there is no confidence. there is simply the sense of being alive, being able to interact, being able to experience all there is to do and knowing others are having a very beautiful, similar yet different incredible experience that deserves to be seen in the same awe-inspiring light. dont say, "do you love me?" just look into their eyes. my God, the eyes are the most true, the most infallible gateway to truth of the soul i have seen, if you just let the other person see you. be honest to them, and what choice do thy have but to look at you with indisputable love? dont cry, dont hide yourself away, thinking youre somehow less or unworthy to be loved. just... love, and the golden rule applies naturally.

and never, ever, ever think you can become more by bringing others down. if they show you who you are, then how can you love yourself when you hurt, ignore, or hate others? you can only feel the same for yourself.

the only way you know who you are is if you see where you are not. its like animation: the only way you see the picture moving is by the absence of the object in the previous frame. all of us are continually changing (another good reason for not assuming prejudice - you limit their ability to change) and as such we are all becoming something else every second. how, therefore, could we ever know what we are? physics have proven patterns were made to be broken. and as such, by others showing us what we are not, we see just what it is that fills others, what they need. we give so much more to them we could ever see. so dont hide your eyes, dont turn your very soul away. the world needs you as much as you need it, and we all need each other in ways that prejudice and hate would do no justice to, and only limit us in the search for the reason why we have no confidence in who we are anymore.

we are all heroes. we are all suns, stars. we are all Link, from the Legend of Zelda!

P.S. On a sweet, beautiful note, Dave and I are together again... <3
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