Oct 12, 2006 22:06
ok. we make mistakes...giant mistakes...huge, unforgivalble, unbeleivable mistakes...and they just screw evrything up...yep...seriously man, mistakes suck, and in the end, they leave marks, and scars, and they makes us even more corrupted then before...and we leave this world, more traumatized and scared and alone...wishing that we had more time to change it all, or fix the things we did wrong...just to make sumthing worth while....yep...it sux...and i mad a mistake..a huge, giant, enormouse mistake..and i dont think i can ever fix it...and its gonna hurt, its gonna hurt so bad that, im gonna be left with a giant scar, but this scar, this perticular scar, will have been caused by myself, wich is y ppl will see the scar and think of me as stupid...for causing that kind of pain on myself...but it was an accident, and i think that i hurt the other person even more...wow...i really do suck at life...so...ne ways, im sorry michael...for doing that...and not telling you...and i know ur problly totally confuzed right now, but just know , when you find out that is, that...im sorry, i really am....and i wish i could go back and make things rite...but i cant...its done...and i hurt us both...and im sorry, im sorry for all of the mistakes ive ever made...im so truly sorry....