Feb 07, 2012 22:40
Would you look at that! I am posting to livejournal. Who knew lol....and can I think of anything remotely interesting to say? Not really, so I will blather on about my day I guess.
Jonathan is still a little sweetheart (and always will be to me) even if he did wake me up by sticking his finger up my nose and shouting "Mommy! Up!" (aka: mommy get your ass out of bed and play with me!)
after getting him his breakfast I got him almost completely dressed and as I was about to put his pants on, he flips over and dashes down the hall giggling. I decided to let him play in his shirt and diaper and he proceeded to try and put his pants on....the wrong way. I don't mean backwards or inside out. Nope, my kid has to decided to put his legs in the wrong end of the pants lmao. I even got some of it on video lmao.
Then I got the great idea to put on a music video he hasn't seen in a while: The Gummy Bear Song. hehheh. Not only did he do a very....energetic -coughspasticcough- dance to it. While trying to copy the movements the bear was doing....I once again remembered to grab the camera...-snickers- America's Funniest Home Videos here I come lol....mind you, my laughter is almost drowning out the song throughout lol.
Spoke to my insurance lady and got a few things sorted out. All I will say on that matter is: Fuck you TD insurance plans and all your fine print bull.
Well, enough rambling, I need sleep....well maybe a bit more Firefly and then sleep. :) Night all.