(no subject)

Nov 03, 2004 15:13

he lied. it is a fact that there were NO weapons of mass destruction in iraq. when clinton lied about being sucked off by a fat chick, we tried impeaching him, but bush lies about his reasons for war and no one does a god damn thing. thousands of people have died, many more have been wounded, and there is no way to even estimate how many lives have been dramatically affected in a negative way.
he stole our money. who paid for a war that was built upon a lie, and consequently the pointless execution of thousands of people? american taxpayers. that's you and your parents.
he put us in debt. bush has broken the record for the highest deficit in history, the most private bankruptcies in any 12 month period, as well as the biggest stock market crash in history.
2.7 million people became unemployed in his first two years as president. after which he cut the unemployment benefits.
he is attempting to create a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage. the bottom line here is equality. the bible has nothing to do with it because of separation of church and state.
he wants to illegalize abortion. my body, my choice. no one has the right to govern what i do with my own person. that is not only an infringement upon political rights, but personal human rights as well. the president does not have a right to apply his morals and religion to the rest of the country.
he is anti-sex education. abstinwnce is great and all, but most people don't abstain. keeping american teenagers safe is more important than upholding a rigid and antiquated opinion about sex, and teaching them ways to be safe is the only way they can implement them.
the federal spending budget is fucked up.there is no way around this fact. currently, our government spends 399 BILLION dollars per year on homeland security, some of which goes into funding for nuclear and other outdated weapons designed to fight the cold war. former military and pentagon officials agree that we can reduce this particular area of funding by 60 billion dollars annually without putting our national security in jeopordy. this money could go towards causes like childrens health and education, humanitarian/foreign aid, and funding for renewable resources and research that would reduce our oil dependence.

and finally, IRAQ HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH 9 FUCKING 11. that was afghanistan.

the idiocy of this country amazes me. i am ashamed of being american.

bushlovers: give me some reasons why bush got re-elected. why did 59 billion people vote for him?
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