Behold, my icon journal lives! Wow, I literally haven't posted here in years. And most of the old stuff is embarrassing. But such is how we grow.
So, I signed up for
whedon20in20 and promptly finished off the entire challenge in a day. Didn't do anything else with my day, but I'm not complaining. This started off being an Amy Acker fest, but somehow morphed into being almost entirely Spike, Topher, and Drusilla. Huh.
Panorama A
Panorama B
Close Crop
Negative Space
Corner Crop
Category (Over the Rainbow)
Cat #1
Cat #2
Cat #3
Cat #4
Cat #5
Artist's Choice
AC #1
AC #2
AC #3
AC #4
AC #5
Key for those who want one
Angel: B/W, Cat #4
Buffy: Negative Space, Blend, Arial, Corner Crop, Sepia, Cat #1, AC #1, AC #2, AC #4
Dollhouse: Panorama, Cat #2, Cat #3, Cat #5, AC #5
Dr. Horrible: AC #3
Firefly: Close Crop, Faceless