(no subject)

Mar 22, 2005 16:55

Okay, well I'm countin down the days now, till spring break. Shit I cant wait! Then I can talk to Zach whenever I want and dont have to worry about dumbass school shit! Hehe.. but yeah, school was okay today. 1st & 2nd period; got some quizes back & watched some more of the Ann Frank play. 3rd period; did a math worksheet/quiz review 4th period; worked on my art project & talked to ella, maritza, oscar, & magda 5th period; sat there and talked about what we're gonna do when we start peer mediation 6th period; slept most of the time cause I didnt have my book lol and then when there was about 2o minz of class left they had us go to the cafeteria for an assembely 7th period; we were in the assembely for most of the class & the rest of the time she handed out our quiz that we have to do tonight bus ride home; zach called me .. we talked for a couple secs and I told him that I'd call him back when I got home.
Okay now about the assembely, it was basically going over the rulez of the school & all this other shit. Saying about how we're not aloud to carry around purses anymore, not to wear make-up, uniforms and all this other shit. Yes I go to a school where I have to wear uniforms, but no it's not a private school.
Anyways, moving on.. today when I came home I had 2 e-mails... soo as usual, I just firgured that it was gonna be comments from LJ. So I go & check em.. what do I see? Paul's name and my home girl had e-mailed me some pics. At first I wasnt gonna read Paul's e-mail.. but I said what the heck no harm can come from reading this.. so this is what it said .. "u kno is it worth doggin me out talkin shit to me how u gonna say u love me do u really love me or was it a front i wonder well i miss ya an im thinkin bout ya u probably thinkin of zach". Eeekz right he's thinking about me... sure buddy ol' pal. Whatever you say. Anyways.. I wrote him back.... and I'll post that at the end of the convo. Alright well anyways.. like I said I was gonna do.. I'ma go and call Zach! <3 He's great .. but I've already told y'alls that a thousand times. Oh yah.. sorry if what I wrote to Paul doesnt make sense to you, I was in a hurry, lol. Ohh yah.. and I started my period today which suckz ass! Could that be why I'm bitchin;?

You know I honestly don't know what to tell you anymore. The last times that I called you, some girl picked up the phone, she says she's your lady. So wtf? But I'm not even trippin off that anymore, I was before, but now it's not even a thing for me anymore. Because I realized at that point that you didnt care about me as much as I did you. Yes, I'm gonna talk shit to you! After all the fuckin tears I cried over you, you deserve to see every damn thing that I have to say about you. I did love you, and yeah somewhere down deep inside my heart I still have feelings for you, but their not as strong as they used to be. If you were in my shoes you would feel the same damn way. So it wasnt a damn front. Okay? I dont know what to say anymore Paul, maybe you should just move on and get OVER me, or maybe you are. I don't know and I honestly don't care at this moment. Me & Zach arent together, but he treats me like a damn queen, he's one of the sweetest guys I know , and he treats me better than you ever did.   But anyways, I hope everythings going good with you & ya hos, or whatever they are to you. I hope you know that you hurt me, but hey what goes around comes around, that's karma for ya baby.
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