Lol.. okay soo here are the picz that Rosa & I took. Please don`t hate, lmfao, we know we`re weird/ugly/stupid.. haha. [ AND YES THESE PiCS ARE WEIRD! ]
Ohh yah, thas gangster right up there holmez. haha
Umm.. Rosa thought this pic was cute? I have no idea why, we both look like crack headz. But hey, atleast friends can always make you smile. =]
Shhh..! It`s a secret.
Ahh... lol.. the only reason I stuck my tongue out was to make Rosa flip out. Hahaha. Gawd, we were cracking up all night.
Rosa & her teddy bear.. haha, she can`t sleep without that thing.
Anyone that knows Rosa, knows that she`s blind as a bat without glasses/contacts. Let`s just say she hasnt worn either of them in forever.
Tilt your head foolz, just don`t do it too long. haha
Ending with my UGLINESS! =]