May 12, 2006 14:57
My Horoscope
Friday, May 12, 2006
Cancer (Jun 21 - Jul 22)
You may gravitate to a leadership role now but that isn't your real objective today. Your 5th House of Love and 11th House of Wishes are being energized, encouraging you to take a romantic risk, be spontaneous and play with your friends. Your apparent confidence and originality, however, place you out in front of the pack. You can have even more fun while others are following you.
The compatibility of me and Johnny
Love Compatibility of Cancer with Cancer
Crabs aren't used to having their abundant emotional needs met. When two Cancers hook up, then, they might not know how to deal with the fact that someone is lavishing them with the same caring and devotion they usually give to others but never get in return. You've both been longing for love for what seems like forever, but it's hard for you to accept it. When you finally do - and you will -- you'll have a happy life together, with plenty of blankets, tissues (for tears) and cozy furniture. Plus, you'll finally have all the snuggling you could ever hope for.
This made me smile.... lol I'm super excited about tonight!!!!! Talk to you all later