Mar 15, 2010 22:42
so far spring break is going ok. i havent been able to sleep in yet and then again i havent been sleeping much anyway. today and the other day, i helped out memorial with the sound booth and it was nice basically getting back into the motion of things of high school and i find it hard to believe how much time has gone by and how many memories i have there. granted things are a bit different: they put in some new carpet and chairs for the audience. and the new stage looks so shiny and glossy and we have a screen cloth in the back which was pretty amazing. we never had this stuff when we were there :p but im glad that theater is doing so well. first day is over and done with. was there from 7:30 and stayed there for 12 hours. gotta be back around 7:45 and wont finish until about 9:45 or so for tomorrow and wednesday is 8 until 4-ish. long days but its all pretty fun and i enjoy it for the most part. keeps me busy and occupied instead of being lazy all spring break. however i am hoping that there will be a beach trip involved sometime soon :D
boys are friggin' stupid and when someone forgets, no doubt they will remind us. great.....i forgot what i was gonna say but whatever. i'll post it once i remember