(no subject)

Oct 20, 2005 21:51

well ive learned alot these last couple days!
my first day of try outs i sang a piece for cherity to sing, If my friends could see me now". and i also did an act for her then the next day (which was yesterday) i leanred the dance,and it was veryyy difficult to memorize..cause i havent memorized dance moves in so long...and yeah .oh and yesterday i had to learn a new song! CALLED " ..... (I DONT REMEBER)....)because they wanted me to switch to ursala and/or helene so i had to practice both parts for them ...like alot fo stuffand last night i practied my song and dance allll night long...and then after school i skipped band just to practice till 4 30 (which was the time we had to be there) and i finally got the dance down! but then!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HAD TO SWITCH SONGS AGAIN! TO THE SONG "THERES GOTTA BE SOMTHIN BETTER" WHICH WAS SOOO TUFF....BCAUSE I HAD TO LEARN IT IN 5 MIN..AND THEN SING IT ON STAGE! AND I COULD GET EVERY NOTE OUT THOUGH..WHEN I GOT ON STAGE AND I SANG IT RIGHT....EXCEPT FOR THE PART THAT GOES..."ALL THESE JOKERS HOW I HATE THEM" CAUSE IT WAS SO HIGH..AND I DIDNT KNOW THE PITCH FOR IT.AND THEN I HAD TO DO ALOT MORE NEW ACTS..AND I DID WELL ON THEM EXCEPT..I DONT THINk i did it loud enough...and then when i danced...like i practiced right before i had to porform...and i did everything right! but then when i performed...i meessed up like 3 times when performing the dance twice..but yeahhh heres one part from ursala that had alot to do with me and one guy. but i cant meantion whoo.but i dont wanna be usala...but yeah listen to this

ursala:whats going on? i heard voices. who are you talking to?

vidal:is that whyy you came back?to accuse me again?

alright its that girl i picked up in fron of the club. shes been with me all night andshes in that closet right now
go on,look for yourself

ursala:alright i will

whats wrong with me? thinking you could stoop so low as to hide a girl in a closet. oh,vittoria, forgive me, forgive me.

.... i dont know wha comes over me. the thought of you with another girl drives me insane.

i try to fight it vittoria, but i cant. why do i torture myself? why?why?why?

oh vitoria, if i knew you really cared, id forgive you anything.

vidal: care? cara mia, do you trhink a man as passionate as me could suddenly stop caring>

ursala:oh vittoria, and to think i was even jealous of that little nothing you picked up tonight,

vidal: why do we say the things we do? why do we torture each other like this?

ursala:because im a immature, foolish child, thats why.

vidal: its my vanity. my stupid, egotistical vanity.

ursala:no darling,its my fault . its all mine.

vidal:i dont know anymore. i just dont know whose fault it is.

ursala: i never want to be away from you. ever again.

vidal:its no good without you ursala. no good at all.

ursala: without you vittoria , there is no love

vidal:and without love, life has no purpose!

vidal: ursala, ursala my darling

ursala: oh vittoria, vittoria

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