Mar 24, 2005 17:06

It was a fridged night here in Oceanside and the Thespos were out and aboot...our first stop was at Fridays, where we hoped to run into the black botanical Bruce, but we didn't. Instead we stirred up some trouble in the back penis shaped room at Friday's when all of a sudden...

Sam got very excited...

Since it was too trecherous out to venture to the Cup...we decided to go to la casa de Lil' Nel! It was there that we played DDR...

Well some of us played, others just wiggled...

We then decide to take random pictures on the couch cause that's what we do.

We then lurked around the kitchen...when all of a sudden, the all mighty marc beja sent us an aborted baby get via microwave. It was hot...and cold. Lil' Nel went to the candle making room of the house and proceeded to make a 0 candle for the unborn baby...

The night came to an end as Lil' Nel and I sang to the tunes on TV while others fondled on the couch. It was awesome...

The end.
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