Apr 29, 2006 00:05
...i had wondered what was going on my mind hasnt seemed like it was working like it usually does....i hadnt had any dreams in a while at night that i could remember atleast...and for a few weeks it had seemed like i had lost all of my ability to be deep and meaningful and have thought provoking questions, thoughts and ideas...but today i finally go the chance to really sit down and completly submerge myself in a book that i have been trying to read...."The Subterraneans" by Jack Kerouac...and all of a sudden its like that was the key that reopened my mind suddenly all of my thoughts have returned and i find myself randomly staring off into space not even realizing so and haveing these amazing thoughts about life, fate, destiny, and the memorys, history, present and future of my life....its wonderful...i had really missed this thinking...its like a part of me was missing i wasnt really completly myself...and it was something i had no control over...but its back and i am so thankful for that...i think im going to go read more....
my graduation pictures are finally in so if you want one im posting them on my myspace soon so you can pick which one you want just let me know...and also an update will be coming soon on when my graduation party will be held...ok well...goodnight everyone...sweetdreams
...I've found something to wonderful for words...