
Jan 13, 2009 18:38

dose enyone know where i can post this?

This story got its idea from 30 Question by WWBMForever


It’s the last question: Batman, did you learn your detective skills from clue?

read it, it’s funny as!!!!!!!


“This game is stupid!” yelled a 5 year old Bruce Wayne. “I don’t want to play no more!”

“That’s ‘anymore’, sweetheart” his mother replied

“It’s only a game son,” replied his father who felt that he had the upper hand and was therefore winning.

The three members of the Wayne family had decided to spend a rain Sunday, playing Thomas Wayne’s favourite game Clue.

It was also Bruce’s lest favourite game.

“Can’t I watch TV?” Bruce was starting to get really annoyed at the game, he was sure he was losing.

“It’s almost over Bruce.” Replied his mother, she new how much her son hated losing.

“What’s the point? This isn’t like Sherlock Holmes at all. This is just a game based on the processes of elimination.” Bruce pouted, crossing his arms but still refusing to fold. It was in his nature to never accept defeat.

“There!” Interrupted his father. He had reached the room and took a confident guess on to who the mastermind was.

“Colonel Mustard in the Library with the lead pipe” Thomas Wayne said happy the game was over.

His wife smiled, enjoying the bright smile on her husbands face and not noticing the satisfied smirk of her son.

“Your wrong!” said Bruce, before the cards where pulled out of where they had been hidden.

Both adults looked at him with surprise written on there faces.

“It was Professor Plum in the Library with the knife.”

And sure enough the cards where pulled out and Bruce’s answer had been correct.

“Well I’ll be damned” whispered Thomas. “Looks like we have a detective in the family,” replied his mother.

Bruce just shrugged then left to watch cartoons, leaving both parents in awe.


~many years Later~

“I still hate this game” Bruce said sitting across the table from two of his most trusted friends, Diana Prince and Clark Kent.

“Why would you not like this game?” ask Diana

“Yer, its right up your ally” agreed Clark.

“This requires no brain power, this is just a game based on the processes of elimination. A five year old could do it.”

Silence filled the air as the game slowly continued, playing through the slow winter day with specially made lead lined Clue cards.

Diana was the first to call it out, smiling as she read her answer.

“Colonel Mustard in the Library with the knife”

Clark smiled happily as Bruce got up to leave. “Well if you need to waist anymore of my time, let me know,” leaving swiftly after the sarcastic statement.

“Sore loser,” Diana mumbled as she picked up a few drinking glasses, helping Clark clean up.

Clark was the only one who noticed that Bruce had written the correct answer down on the paper, different to Diana’s.

He never said a word either, because whenever they would play this game, Bruce would never fold, or lose, but he would also never win.

And Clark would never ask.

Clark shrugged it of, ‘Maybe it was because he would always ‘lose’ to Diana?’ he though then continued to clean up the cards.

funny, cute, sad, clue, bruce, games

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