
Oct 31, 2005 20:43

Well, I'm bored. So why not blog. My sister's on speakerphone, talking about Samhain. Other than that, not a whole lot going on. I found out today there's a Wiccan church in Asheville that walks around handing out pamphlets. How cool is that? It's about time someone on our side started clearing up every gross misconception on Wicca and magik that most of the population hold so dear. People see what's on TV and in the movies and think we're a bunch of Satan worshiping lunatics that go around eating people and cutting up animals (yes, this was actually in an editorial written for our local newspaper). Exactly the opposite. Wiccans, true Wiccans, who hold to the Wiccan Rede and everything that the actual religion teaches, respect nature. We respect ourselves, other people, animals, everything that exists as it's own. We believe there's a soul in everything, and that everything with a soul deserves respect. Some of us are monotheistic, some polytheistic. The personal beliefs are based on the person, not the popular idea. As long as you hold true to the Wiccan Rede and "Be true in love this you must do unless your love is false to you. These Eight words the Rede fulfill: 'An Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will'" We also have what's called the Three-Fold Law. This basically states that anything you do will come back on you three-fold ("Mind the Three-fold Laws you should three times bad and three times good."--also in the Wiccan Rede) So we're going to go eat people and cut up cats?? Come on people. If you're going to criticize, at least be educated about it. I've read the Bible cover to cover a number of times. I can argue from an educated stand-point. Give me the same credit.

PS...for a good site to learn the facts of witchcraft and Wicca, see this site...
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