Title: Talking In The Wind… Author: Femme_Slash_Fan/Ros Sawyer. Pairing/Characters: Evangeline Elliot, Sybil Crawely. Fandom(s): House Of Elliot/Downton Abbey. Summary: An attempt at doing something new… Rating: G
Evangeline Elliot knew full well that people would be shocked by the idea that was put forward by the other girl. She knew that, but she hardly cared. It was something new, an attempt she could make to put her own stamp on things. She had smiled as she settled to sketch an idea, looking up at Sybil for only moments before she showed her, trusting that the girl would know what she was looking for.
Sybil had been beaming as she nodded and Evangeline smiled and arranged for the girl to come and see her a second time, she had smiled further as the girl agreed to come back.
It had taken them only a few days to figure out how the thing should look and Evie herself had worked on it. The girl had been delighted with the finished project, paying a little more than Evie had actually charged for a right to be the only one wearing it for only a few weeks, a month at most, then Evie had her permission to continue to make it up for sale.
Author: Femme_Slash_Fan/Ros Sawyer.
Pairing/Characters: Evangeline Elliot, Sybil Crawely.
Fandom(s): House Of Elliot/Downton Abbey.
Summary: An attempt at doing something new…
Rating: G
Evangeline Elliot knew full well that people would be shocked by the idea that was put forward by the other girl. She knew that, but she hardly cared. It was something new, an attempt she could make to put her own stamp on things. She had smiled as she settled to sketch an idea, looking up at Sybil for only moments before she showed her, trusting that the girl would know what she was looking for.
Sybil had been beaming as she nodded and Evangeline smiled and arranged for the girl to come and see her a second time, she had smiled further as the girl agreed to come back.
It had taken them only a few days to figure out how the thing should look and Evie herself had worked on it. The girl had been delighted with the finished project, paying a little more than Evie had actually charged for a right to be the only one wearing it for only a few weeks, a month at most, then Evie had her permission to continue to make it up for sale.
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