My tweets

Oct 12, 2020 05:00

  • Sun, 16:25: RT @ evan_greer: The US government is practically screaming “you can do crimes as long as they are racist crimes”
  • Sun, 16:26: RT @ JYSexton: It’s kind of amazing to watch people hound Biden over Court packing, a completely legal thing the system allows, while Trump…
  • Sun, 16:46: RT @ bessbell: This election is a tough call because one candidate was endorsed by both the Taliban and the KKK and the other was endorsed b…
  • Sun, 16:54: RT @ drgonzo123: Just saw a friend saying they block racist ass-hats on their feeds. You should *ALWAYS* do so. Do you really think you can…
  • Sun, 17:00: RT @ dcpetterson: I've seen a number of attempts today to convince Democratic voters they don't have to vote, because Biden has it in the ba…
  • Sun, 17:03: RT @ TheRealHoarse: Republicans for the past four years: (pack the courts) (pack the courts) (pack the courts) (pack the courts) (pack the c…
  • Sun, 18:22: RT @ pinguinus: Buy my book, read my book, it's got Twitter in it but also witches and thoughts on power and human relationships: https://t.…
  • Sun, 18:35: RT @ TomJChicago: Biden shouldn’t go near Trump w/ a ten foot pole. Challenge him to be independently tested. If he refuses, the note saying…
  • Sun, 23:40: RT @ catvalente: Hey, remember how we learned Betsy DeVos’s family money was funding the MI protests where the terrorists who plotted to kid…
  • Sun, 23:50: RT @ RobynElyse: Hold on. So a Pinkerton detective is the primary suspect in a shooting that America First douchebags were blaming on an ana…
  • Mon, 00:13: RT @ LOLGOP: Republicans are about to commit a historically unprecedented act of packing the courts by ramming in a justice in time to possi…
  • Mon, 04:11: RT @ mjs_DC: This story is incredibly alarming. California Republicans are allegedly creating fake drop boxes and tricking voters into depos…
  • Mon, 04:13: RT @ thomaspluck: The Fisherman by John Langan was an incredibly good read. Human grief and what we will do to assuage it, spun into a big f…
  • Mon, 04:28: RT @ aswinn: Hello media, the @ nytimes broke a story that Donald Trump likely laundered tens of millions of dollars in 2016 so can you kindl…
  • Mon, 04:28: RT @ DavidAlanMack: Dear @ TheDemocrats: If we, your voters, succeed in putting you back in control of the federal government, know that we d…


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