Apr 05, 2009 10:04
I will try to be brief, as my husband and in-laws are downstairs building a wall for our theater, and I feel guilty that I'm not down there :P, so here goes.
1) We are making soooo much progress on the house, I find myself shocked sometimes. Not that it needed a lot of work really, but we've been doing stuff like: building the riser for the back row of theater seats, painting the theater ceiling black, picking out the wall paint color, tearing the shingles off the junk barn pile in preparation to burn it (shingles make terrible black smoke if burned), clearing off the lake penninsula so that one can actually walk onto it (I swear, I've never seen such a tangled mess of brush!!), and now building the theater wall. Not to mention actually unpacking and organizing. And that's all just in the first three and a half weeks of moving in!!! :P We hope to work more on the barn junk pile next weekend - if it doesn't snow again! STUPID weekend weather!!
2) We hung out with a friend from Jason's work last night, first time I'd met him, his brother and some of his other friends were there and while they were generally cool and tolerable and I won't cross them off the list as becoming regular hang-out friends, the guy is slightly annoying with his competiveness. Everything we mentioned he kept telling Jason he'd kick his ass at, and Jason just laughed because he actually does think it's funny when people are like that, but I find it annoying. People like that, I just want to punch them right in the nose and tell them to shut up. Or better yet, beat them at whatever they said they'd beat me in and then rub their nose in shit FOREVER. So maybe that's why I don't like people who do that. Because inwardly I'm extremely competitive, which is actually why I do not compete in anything serious, because if I win I will be happy and maybe gloat subtlely (I'll only be a complete bitch if you bragged yourself up beforehand) but if I lose I will want to, as Jason put it, "tear your heart out". :S I do not like to feel that way, so I just avoid competition as a rule. I can't even play videogames against Jason or I will get pissed and start throwing controllers if I lose. So. Anyway. I just want to smack the shit outta this guy. Maybe Jason will beat him at a few things and shut him up. Otherwise I think I'll just have to leave the room if they start competing at anything. Geez.
3) I think it's funny how a majority of non-horse people think that you can just walk up to any horse and jump on it and ride it. WTF!?!? I've been telling people we have 8 acres and will be putting the horses on it and inevitibly, the first thing out of their mouth is, "Oh good we can come over and ride!!!!" And I just kind of stare at them. There are several things wrong with their idea. a) They forgot to ASK if they could ride my horse in the first place. b) They think any horse is just immediately and easily ridable. c) What makes them assume I WANT them to come over and go riding anyway? On the other hand, it makes me extremely tempted to say, "Sure! Come on over and ride!! It'll be a blast!" Then stick them on my horse (with a helmet, and after signing a waiver) and sit down and watch. I might even videotape. I bet you after that they wouldn't be so eager to just jump on any horse they come across. >:(
4) This is not really a venting/ranting post, those were just some things running across my mind at the moment. :D I kind of want to work on novels right now, but instead I'm going to go down and help with the wall, as it's extremely noisy down there and I'm curious! I will post pictures soon!
home theater,