Jul 03, 2006 14:09
Grrr. I had four days off from work. It's a holiday weekend. Fourth of July is usually one my favorite holidays. I don't even know why, as I have no desire whatsoever to shoot off fireworks. I like to go see the bigger shows put on by the city, but have never gotten into the backyard thing. But anyway... I still like the holiday. I was excited for this weekend to come. Jason and I were going to go see Superman Returns again on Friday night, then Saturday I was going to relax, play with the horses, and go to a horse show that night. Then Sunday I would go to Jason's dad's wedding, then head down to the Lake of the Ozarks to spend time with part of my family for Sunday night through Tuesday evening.
Well. First my sister decides not to go to the Lake, and she and my dad were the ones I was really going to see. Then I discover the wedding doesn't start till 6pm. Aka we don't get out of there till 9pm. Therefore it would be useless to go to the Lake that night as we'd get there too late. Then I start thinking: Is it really worth it to drive 3 hours to the Lake if I'm only going to be there for a day and a half? So then I decide maybe we won't go, we'll just meet dad for dinner on his way back to the airport.
THEN I find out that Joanie's son (Joanie being the one Jason's dad is marrying) had no way back to the airport this afternoon, and his plane leaves at 3pm. WTF people!?! He comes down from Canada and you don't even figure out how he's supposed to get back to the airport!?!? DUH!! Omg. So then Jason volunteers to drive him because at least the kid is mostly normal and Jason has never had a brother in any form before so he feels obligated. Soooo... so much for going to the Lake any time soon today anyway. Well that's okay, I say, because I didn't really want to go anymore anyway.
So THEN (yes there's more) dad calls me back and tells me he REALLY wants to see me and that, oh yeah, he will probably need a ride back to Kansas City from the Lake. O_o Does our car have a big sign saying TAXI on top of it or something!?! WHAT IN THE HELL. So now I'm pissed off because all of my Sunday and pretty much all of my Monday has been taken up already, and now dad is basically forcing me to drive all the way down there for a day (if I'm lucky) just so he has a way to get back to KC. Not to mention he usually meets his girlfriend or whatever she is at the Plaza, which is like an hour farther into the KC area than where I live. So he wants me to spend five total hours in the car on my last evening of vacation driving him around.
*steams* RIDICULOUS!!! I've tried my best to rescue the rest of this weekend, but it's been futile. Now I'm so irritated I don't even feel like doing anything! I've tried to write and failed, tried to read and failed, tried to watch movies and failed. I don't even feel like going out to play with my horse anymore. Grrr. About the only thing left that sounds fun is to go out on the JetSki. I guess. I don't know. Wow this is frustrating. *sigh*
I'm trying not to stress out about it because that just makes it all worse, but it's hard not to. This whole weekend (except for Friday night) I've been trying to figure out other people's schedules, doing what other people wanted me to do, or waiting to do what other people wanted me to do. The wedding would have been fun if I had been able to stand Joanie, but that woman literally makes me ill. It didn't help they called us over to the church at 2:50pm (although the wedding wasn't until 6pm) and Jason and I literally sat around staring at the walls until 5pm. I thought I was going to go crazy. AGH!
But it's okay, because it's all over with now. I just have to get over it and settle down. I'm just really annoyed that I wasn't able to have any fun yet this weekend, and it's over half over. Well, maybe I can still squeeze in some fun tonight and tomorrow. I'll go swim and take the JetSki out. Maybe Jason will come to the barn with me tonight. As for tomorrow, I'm going to try not to think about it.
On the bright side, I got an idea for a story this morning while Joanie was opening her wedding presents. Let me just say it has to do with a woman who only gets married so she can be the center of attention and get presents. :)
All right, I'm done venting now. :P
fourth of july,