Went over to Jason's mom's house tonight like we've started doing every Wednesday night, had a lovely meal consisting of pasta, salad, bread with olive oil and wine! (Yes, thanks go to
aelora and
syasnomis for getting us into the wine thing apparently... and that's another story...) Then she gave us our Easter baskets early and YUM! We got CANDY!!!! *drools* And we also both got a new pair of tennis shoes, which I needed very, very badly. I think I've had the same pair of tennis shoes for like... four years...
Anyway. That was very awesome. What a nice way to relax after putting up with the crazy DayCare dogs at work. Lol.
We took Chewie (my dog) to get shaved the other day, he looks sooooo ADORABLE! They left his tail long and now it looks like a duster! But he's still very cute. We've decided to make him a mostly indoor dog now because he just doesn't get enough attention out in the yard. I think he likes it a lot so far... he enjoys getting to be around everyone all the time.
Um... let's see, what else... I posted the newest chapter of "Betrayed" FINALLY. I'm so glad to get rid of that at long last. The next chapter should be pretty short and I'm hoping it will be finished faster than the last three chapters have been. :S The cool thing, though, is that "Betrayed" comes second only to "The Wall that Fell" (like, duh) as far as hits and reviews go. Although TWTF is soundly beating it in number of reviews, it's actually not that much farther ahead in hits. Another exciting thing is that my Firefly fic, which is only one short chapter right now, is coming in third hit-wise, and it's the newest created fic, too! That's encouraging. Tells me there's people out there who really want to read Firefly fic! Maybe I should start that longer one of mine after all... hrm... "Parallels" the LotR/SG-1 crossover is coming in fourth, which is also surprising since I haven't updated it in AGES. Have to get back to that someday too...
Well I'd better run. Just wanted to put in a quick update. I've got more to fill in (including the blast I had playing golf, drinking wine and eating cheese on Sunday, hee hee) but I'll have to come back to that later.
Till next time!!