Jul 12, 2006 11:34
I saw Lukebot's monthly entry, and decided that I was due for something, as well. It just occured to me not too long ago that I haven't seen Keith (my counsellor) in quite awhile, and that I'm going to have more things to talk about than an hour's worth of conversation when I see him next week.
Firstly, my relationship with Melissa ended. No, don't go "awwww..." It was very much time for this to end. I liked the girl a long time ago, but our relationship turned into a whole lot of bickering and arguing...and the last month of its existance was one of the least enjoyable experiences of my life. The typical night progressed as follows...
Melissa: What do you wanna do?
Drew: Good question! We can go to the park, ride bikes, fly a kite, go draw stuff with chalk.
Melissa: Or we could have sex.
Drew: .....no.
Melissa: Well if we can't have sex then we need to talk about sex. By the way, everything you think is wrong.
Yeah--whatever. =P
A couple of weeks ago, I went to band camp! Now THIS is a good thing. It's a week where I get to live free of parental guidance, and with 2,000 other people who share my same interests. And if you think that your drum major is a control freak...imagine having 600 of them on the same field! George Parks works wonders, and I was able to get a lot of his material on tape this year. I have this very nice lesson of his that involves being a great teacher, and I think it needs to be shown to the highschool students in my CACC program next year, since it is so inclusive of the general world of teaching, and not just for band. Also! My squad rocked! This was my fourth Drum Major Academy, and this was the first time I was in a squad that won the squad competition. We also achieved the first ever perfect score in precision and intensity. Way to go squad 37. =]
I put my two weeks notice in last Saturday. This awful, awful 3 for $11.99 promotion has made all of our customers intolerable, and it has made the entire staff irate...and every night brings new stresses that I never imagined could rear their faces at such a simple job... We're never getting rid of this promotion, and I decided that I had had enough. I also may very likely have a job at the public library, which will be a million times better.
Last Sunday, I went up to Rockford with Lukebot to see the Phantom Regiment's Show of Shows!! This was exactly what the show title indicated! The Phantom Regiment is always a treat, and the Cadets drumline always has the best features. I also enjoyed how the Cadets are continuing their storyline from last year, and incorporating parts of their show from last year into their current program. The Regiment also upset the Cadets and beat them by .200 of a point. Good show, Alex! Good show!
I am going to Napervilla on August 6th for another DCI competition. The Phantom Regiment, the Cadets, and the Cavaliers will be there.
I have been talking to Anna a lot again lately. I started to miss her after being involved in my last relationship blocked off all doors of communication with other friends of mine who are girls. It amazes me how well we click. In her I definitely see a friend for life. bff!! lolz kthxbai.
I also took the mellophone to a Bastognes Best practice, and I really think this will give their hornline an extra crunch. I didn't realize how powerful that instrument was. I really need the practice though, especially if I'm thinking of auditioning for the Blue Stars next season.
I miss Alex...I would very much like to see her some time soon.