Cocks in your fucking face!

Mar 01, 2006 22:48

Mrs. Bolden got her letter today... In it I referenced to Robinsonian discipline policies and complained about this current administration's inaction regarding their stand against school violence. In the letter I pled for a personal meeting wherein she would explain to me the measures that her administration has gone through in order to safen the school, and also to provide evidence that it is more effective than the zero-tolerance that Mr. Robinson established.

So...I'm bracing for a meeting with the principal tomorrow. I know I can be hot shit with the pen if I need to be, and now it's time to see what kind of punch I can pack in a verbal debate. I feel strongly about this issue...

I shouldn't be too hard on a fledgling principal.... But god damn...

In other news, my psychiatric sessions have been going well. Cedric has contributed a fuck-load of change to my March-of-Dimes donation box, and I thank him very very much...though I'm sure he's never going to read this. And also I have now paid Malmevik back for my share of the cost from the Nine Inch Nails tickets...

The NIN show was so amazing. I can't see another band for another four months or so, because whatever show that happens to be is bound to suck by comparison until I get off of this high from having seen one of the best performances ever staged.

I wish I would work afternoons instead of closing every now and then...that way I could ride my bike to work. I still have problems getting the parents to let me ride my bike at night; even if I have a headlight... Driving around gets to be bothersome...and I'm tired of having to afford it. Also I'm thinking about just hitching more rides to Melissa's house with her right after school whenever I visit rather than driving out there myself...All together that'll save me about 25 miles-worth of driving each time.

So I've obviously gotten off-topic, and I don't really feel like writing anymore. So I say goodnight to all of you. *nods*
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