You know you wanna go to NY with me...

Oct 05, 2006 21:39

Ok, so yeah this is going to be a public post. It's my first in forever, but don't think I'm going to make a habit out of it...

Anyway, going to New York in August made me realize just how much I missed that city. I honestly do love it and have thought about living there before...I don't know if I'd be able to cut it there, but I'd sure as hell like to try sometime.

In high school I used to get there once a year, which was fantastic. I knew I had been going through a bit of NY withdrawal since, but I didn't really let it get to me. But then I was reminded of what I was missing and I REALLY want to go back. lynchmob and I were talking the other day about how there's just this energy in the city...I don't know that I've seen that anywhere else.

But getting to the point, I did have one idea of how I could get back there, I just didn't want to get my hopes up until I saw if it could work or not. The good news is that it just might. There's a bus that runs from IUP to New York and if I wanted to wait in line for tickets for a show, it'll allow for that as well because it's a much longer trip than most other buses take.

This is the information I have so far:

NEW YORK CITY trip info: **************************
* you are on your own for the day. from when you are
droped off to when you meet the bus to go back to IUP.

BUS leaves IUP at 12:01 am Saturday Morning.
Arrives NYC about 7:30 am Saturday Morning.
Leaves NYC at 10:00 pm Saturday Night.
Back at IUP about 5:30 Am Sunday Morning.

COST is $45 per person.
Includes bus transportation and one page map.

DROP off and pick up is at Rockefeller Center.

PAYMENT in CASH or Check
- please bring exact amount of cash if possible
- if by check, make payable to " Discovery Club"
ID will be needed, IF Check you need to be
present with your check.
- bring your student or state issued photo ID.
also names, e-mail, phone number,and ID numbers of
those going.
- seating is limited.
- Seating location is reserved. Sooner you come for
ticket more choices of were you would like to sit.

TICKETS available starting Monday October 9.
Tickets sold on Mondays from 5:00 to 5:45 pm
in Keith hall, room 134 or other times by
*** Monday Oct. 23 is fall break, no tickets sold.
Tickets available that week on Wednesday October 25
at same location and time above.

SO the main reason I'm posting all of this is that New York is so much fun when you're hanging out with someone. This bus trip runs on Saturday, November 11th and Saturday, December 2nd. Is there anyone, anyone at all who would like to go with me? Ideally I'd like Kait to go, but you'd have to get out here...I know you have a car now, but that'd be a lot of driving and stuff for you? Also, Liz, we've been talking about hanging out more and I know you love NYC about as much as I do. Would you want to do something this? Or anyone else, too!

I mean there's soo much to do, fantastic restaurants, shows to see (although I'll probably want to see The Wedding Singer again...well, yeah...that's just about a definite. I'd go to Les Mis but I doubt I could afford tickets) Hmmm...leaving at 10 pm...that probably wouldn't allow time for a night show too...damnit. Just a matinee I guess. But there's so much more to do too...museums, anything and everything you could want.

So yeah guys, let me know. I got really excited when I heard about this bus trip because it really could work. And I'd absolutely love to go. But it'd be a lot more fun with you guys!!!
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