Apr 09, 2005 22:58
So today I went to St. Edward's for this information session and I'm getting pretty excited! I saw the dorm that I'm signing up for as my first choice. The rooms are the smallest on campus, but they have the biggest closets and the best common rooms. The room that I liked the best (my second choice) had a major draw back, you have to share a closet AND a dresser with your roommate. Yeah, especially if I get a really weird roommate, I don't want to be sharing an underwear drawer with them. I don't want them to get confused and wear my panties. That wouldn't make me a happy topper. Ha, yeah, so the mascot is the hilltoppers, or toppers as they're affectionately called. Yeah, I'm a sheep. Oh, sorry, ram. I'm dangerous...roar...or BAA! The campus is nice and cute. If the get East Hall (the dorm I want) then I'll be on the opposite side of campus which'll be nice so I can fight the Freshmen 15. It did get me a little scared being there, though. I mean, I guess it didn't really hit me that I will be there for classes in 4 months, 2 weeks, and 6 days. That's 20 weeks and 2 days. That's 142 days. Approxiamately 3408 hours, or 204480 minutes. I felt so little on campus and so...alone. I mean, I did re-meet Danyelle Sawyers from Stinson and that was kinda cool, she seems really nice, but it's not the same. I realized how much I'm going to miss everybody so freakin much and ya'll better keep in touch with me or I'm gonna have to...ram you...BAA dangit!