this weekend kicked soo much ass you wouldnt believe. i went to maine from friday til sunday afternoon. i thought it was gonna suck but it was ok. tony kept hitting on me. and i met my friend mark's friend kyle, he was cool. and they smoke and drink which is awesome. i might go up there more often. it took us so long to get a fire started haha. then i was gonna go smoke with mark and kyle but they didnt want me to becaues i might get in trouble because i was supposed to be at my site already. but we started walking and kyle asked if i wanted to hold hands. i thought it was so cute. so we held hands and there was a good night kiss. that was saturday night. then sunday we packed and left. i got back and had to babysit so my mom could go out. when she got back i wanted to go to the carnival with danielle and michelle. but the carnival was leaving!!! it was soo sad. so i just got dropped off at danielles. her and michelle were trippin on triple C. and i was sober :( but at like 930 danielles neighbor jeff got us a gram. but michelle left. so me and danielle went in her back yard and smoked a bowl. we were scared shitless because she has a skunk that lives under her deck and it had sprayed earlier. so we went back inside, finished the bowl and smoke like 2 or 3 more bowls. it was insane!!!!!! i havent been that high since christmas vacation. we drew so many things. I DREW STEWEY FROM THE FAMILY GUY!! it was actually pretty good. but uh it was awesome. then we ate and passed out in her living room. then we woke up at like 830 and did a wake and bake. then amazingly enough we WALKED to wendys and dunkin donuts (roughly a mile there and a mile back) in like 75 degree weather in pants and long sleeves. but we did it. later, helens mom picked us up (in a CONVERTABLE i might add) and we went to her neighborhood. when we got there we went to nicoles where her and chris were. we went up to her room and smoked a huge bowl and we all just kinda sat there and did cross word puzzles and smoke cigarettes. i completed a crossword puzzle by my self. i dont remember how long it took but i think i did it pretty fast. then me helen and nicole went on her trampoline. then we went to the mini mart. then i had to go home and to SOCCER PRACTICE. we ran a mile and i almost died. but i probably wouldve been like that if i hadnt smoked all day. so yea now here are some pictures
sorry this one is soo big but it has to be if you want to see everything we drew
the bridge on our way to old orchard,maine
that just amused me
pink fire... pretty
a burnt marshmellow
michellie blowing bubbles haha
the sky is pretty hahaha
danielles sister drew that. theres also a mushroom but theres a table in front of it.
danielles rainbow of lighters. i kind of cut off the purple one but i was stoned out of my mind what do you expect
do you see all the smoke. it was moving so slow it was like frozen
this is scooby. danielle said this cat made her high better
the sky is cool and so is burger king (haha not really)
danielle drew this on the pillow with a burning insence (sp?) its supposed to be a smiley with a joint in its mouth but she accidently burnt the fluffy stuff inside and it was on fire so she pour soda on it haha.