I survived... Barely.
Woke up in time to drive
mirax80 to the car rental place. Came back, had a little gnosh, took a shower, and found out the brunch had been pushed forward, so I had to bail on it. Got the troops ready to go and limped them out to the car for my first trip to the airport.
mirax80 and her very wonderful other half were safely seen off at DIA and I sincerely hope they had a great time this weekend. I look forward to going out to MN for their wedding very soon.
Called over to the brunch folks to see if they were still hanging around, and they were, so
ion_control and I headed over there to spend some time with our friends. This was
ion_control 's first trip to Sith Central, and was given the grand tour. While we were there new costumes were planned out, new props were discussed and a new parade entry is already in the development stages. Sith Central is the birthplaces of many evil deeds, and today was no different.
After we said our goodbyes to the married Siths, we got a little dinner, and then I made my final trip to the airport for a little while.
ion_control was dropped at DIA, safe and sound and probably very tired. It was wonderful, as always, to have her visiting for the weekend.
It may sound like complaining, but truth be told, I love these weekends. I am able to cram a whole lotta livin' in a few days, and that can never be a bad thing.
The swelling is down, the drugs are kicking in, and the adrenaline has worn off... Time for bed.