Beware: The Nostalgia Faerie hit me in the head...hard!

Feb 05, 2009 13:03

I've been looking around for the little kiddie valentines lately and it's gotten me feeling a bit nostalgic for the days of classroom valentines. Where everyone came in with a box full of the little paper hearts with all the cutesie sayings on them for everyone in the class. And so, I decided to bring it back to life, even if it is only in the cyber world. :)

I know it's a little early, but this way you get to enjoy them a little longer. :D


archaicrebel  - I knew of only one person who could appreciate this one. Thank you for having an even more twisted sense of humor than me.

atrueparrothead  - Her flights of fancy are always filled with fun.

augrasshopper  - Funny, beautiful, smart, compassionate, dedicated, loyal, more energy than the Energizer Bunny and a Star Wars fan? Oh yeah, I have much love for the Golden One!

belismakr  - For bringing magic into all of our lives

bjjones  - Because she is just that smooth.

blackfeatherdjr  - Because you know it's true.

brandie  - Her wicked sense of humor never fails to bring a light to my heart.

chauncey10  - Because she has a heart so big it leaves us all aching when she's not around.

cincoflex  - Because she is devoted to the written word with her full heart.

cluesby4  - Because her devotion to her family is inspiring to all who meet her.

cropper1818  - Because she has a way with a pen and a blade that few ever will.

doom_cherries  - She's just so caring, it had to be a Carebear!

dreams_of_him  - All the Furkids agree... DoH! Rocks! (I bet you thought it would be ducks, huh?)

edcookdotorg  - Oh Captain, my C-... Commander! Much love to ya, man.

giwu  - Just when I least expect it, she pops up to keep my life interesting.

ion_control  - I don't care how deadly she is...she's still just a cute and cuddly Carol to me.

jedidajuan  - Devoted to the fandom and reeking havoc wherever she goes... I can love a girl like that!

jenbachand  - I had to use this one, and you got to be the lucky girl to get the Han job. :D

jk_birr  - I know how you feel about this day, so I picked out the perfect card for you (and no Pepto colors).

literaryelle  - Your dedication and talent never cease to amaze me!

mingsmommy  - The card says it well, but just in case you didn't know... I love her heart, I love her joy, I love her passion, I love her dedication, I love her generosity, and so, in short...I LOVE THE MING!!!

mirax80  - Oh please... Like you didn't know you'd get SW ones. Much Love to Ya!

penprickle  - Your news bits and insights always intrigue me and I am glad to have those in my life.

pirate_lass  - My little barefoot Jedi with a 'tude... My life would be such a dull place without you in it.

plkphoto   - Saving the animal world one small corner at a time. You capture such beauty in your art to share with us, and I thank you.

poppie_lee  - With such joy for life, your enthusiasm inspires everyone you meet.

samsara20  - We've only just met, but I can already see the passion in your heart, and I look forward to knowing you better.

sarahzilla  - You've given me sleepless nights, a ton of gray hairs, and the amazing depth of your heart. I look forward to many more years as your friend.

sarisa   - The Great Tongue of the North! Wow, that sounds even worse when I read it, but it is said with much love. You are a free and absolutely astounding force in this world and I thank you for including me in the whirlwind.

seraphkre  - You don't seem to know it, but you are an amazing woman. Just your presence is a balm for my soul. Thank you for your friendship.

sharpiesgal  - Wit and style, all in one package, what's not to love?

smacky30  - My safe harbor in a stormy sea, my partner in crime, my joy in every day, my shoulder when it gets to be too much, my light in the darkest hours... My friend.

snowydragon1776  - Because she shares my love of old hollywood style and romance, and my absolute joy in literature... Plus she gives the best cyber-hugs around!

tdcsi  - There is nothing more thrilling than to experience someone entering a whole new world, and you do it what such style and humility that I stand in admiration of you.

toadwart - Beauty, wit, talent, style, snark, and bad attitude... It's no wonder we're such great friends, my love.

tos_lover  - So devoted to her family that we get precious little time to share with her, but every moment is a treasure.

tyriatainer  - Because she is my favorite teacher, the master of showtunes, the high priestess of Nee!, and incredibly lucky if she manages to survive tutoring me through college algebra (as well as a saint for offering).

wobbear  - A citizen of the world, and a master of the pun, your insights and humor astound me and I count myself incredibly fortunate to have known you.

zamboni12  - A woman of uncommonly good character and filled with a zest for life that even fewer possess.


valentines, nostalgia, friends

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