The Vacation to Soothe My Soul

Nov 05, 2008 20:33

I spend most of my vacation time attending events, dealing with family, or for specific purposes and tasks. Rarely do I just take the time to go somewhere and simply enjoy it. I used to, but at some point I must have stopped. After last weekend, I believe I may have to reorder my priorities on that practice.

Last Thursday I left Colorado to make my way to the beautiful state of Ohio. ((waiting the requisite time for tyriatainer  to stop laughing))   I have been known to say some unkind things about the state of Ohio, but I can admit when enough is enough. Though honestly, most of my Ohio rhetoric is said in jest, my only real issue with the state is how freaking long it takes to cross it on I-70 when I'm trying to go to Maryland from Colorado. Ohio is a wonderful place filled with gorgeous vistas, stunning architecture, a rich history, sleepy hamlets and uncommonly friendly people.

Friday found me traveling to the Mt. Vernon area to visit with another LJer and writer, and the drive alone would have been worth it, but the hospitality and conversation made it a fantastic experience all the way around. wobbear makes a wicked black bean soup and cheesecake (and her Significant Other's Salad was pretty awesome too).

Saturday was the big party, which ended up being not so big, but it was still quite awesome. Best part (other than that cracked out card game) was finally meeting the "next door neighbor" (who is neither next door, or the neighbor anymore, but so much more). And I got to take my time cooking a great meal that was well received by all (and then some), which always makes me happy.

All weekend I was able to meet people I've been hearing about for years, and that was doubly true on Sunday, when I was able to meet tyriatainer 's parents. They were wonderful and welcoming people, and it was a true joy to spend the day touring the countryside with them, hearing stories about their children and their lives together.

Monday was spent doing absolutely nothing... And it was everything I always hoped it would be. ;) We vegged, taunted someone's boyfriend with text messages, watched a good movie and generally sat around the house in our PJ's until it was time to get ready to go. A fantastic way to wind up my last day in Ohio, and a great way to end that part of my vacation.

This has been a wonderful experience for me all the way around. There was no schedule to keep. There was no event to manage. There were no obligations to fill. And I had no responsibilities at all, beyond the will to enjoy myself. Iwasn't even allowed to have keys (a fact I had to pathologically check every time I stood up) all weekend. I am deeply indebted to everyone responsible for making this vacation a reality.

There are so many people that I have to thank for the success of this trip, but I will start with my mother. When I told her what I was planning, she just smiled and said that she thought it was a great idea and deserved a break like that. It felt good to know that someone understood, and it was even better coming from Mom. Next to thank is my sister. I had been holding off on scheduling the trip until after she delivered the newest member of our family. About the middle of September she told me to go ahead and book the flight, because she didn't want me waiting for her over anything again (too long a story to explain). There is also my friend in Texas who didn't even flinch about picking me up at the airport when the only way I could get a late flight out of Columbus on Monday was to take an overnight layover in DFW. And of course the marvelous and talented wobbear  (and her charming husband) for their hospitality.

WIth all those people, you have to wonder how I could possibly have anyone left to thank for a 5 day vacation, but you would be wrong. My host, my driver, my tour guide, and my cohort is quite possibly one of the most incredible people I have ever known. tyriatainer opened her home and invited me in for 5 days of peace and joy like I have never known. She shared her time and her family with me, and I felt more welcome than I can even begin to describe. She is a true gift in my life and I will be eternally grateful for the time she has given to me in the name of friendship. I will forever treasure the time we have shared.

I took a few pictures over the weekend, but other than the one I shared with you already, there are a few of them that are truly speaking to me.

Another great shot from Apple Valley, OH

A really creepy looking abandoned building somewhere between Mt. Vernon and Columbus.

Memorial Park, St. Mary's, OH


Sunset on my Trip

And the last discovery from the weekend....

Emerald Cocoa Roasted Almonds are AMAZING!!!! We found them at the store Friday and I instantly fell in love. If you find them, try them. And the best part, very little sugar/carbs and plenty of protein. :D

peace, grateful, friends, travel, picspam

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