Mar 12, 2008 14:28
What is it about some people? They just aren't happy unless they are generously spreading their shitty outlook on life with liberal helpings of the feces that rules their thought processes. It's bad enough that their very nature is irritating and grating on those around them, oh no! They need to snipe and goad everyone else into looking at life with their heads lodged firmly in their rectums just like them!
And heaven forbid if everything is moving along with fantastic success! Oh my! Something simply has to be done about that. Whatever will we do to cock this up with our vitriolic rantings?!
I know! Let's use rumor and fallacy from something that happened FOUR FUCKING YEARS AGO, that we weren't even present for, and that we've completely twisted around for our own vengeful purposes so that we can drive a wedge into the works and grind everything down into a shitstorm of untruths and name calling so we can sit back and stroke our insipid egos as the maelstrom of hatred and idiocy whips up into a frenzy. And it will all be thanks to our Vicious Pansy Ass, Bitch Monkey, Drama Queen FUCKTARD machinations!!!
Some days, it just doesn't pay to draw a breath. :(
pissed off,