I have to thank Erin for introducing me to the crazy world of Facebook. Seriously everyone I've ever known is on there. All kinds of people from highschool that I never thought I'd ever hear of again, people from GRADE SCHOOL that I never even remembered to think I'd ever hear of again, people I knew randomly in the Sault up to and including....
THE FIRST GUY I SLEPT WITH WHEN I WAS 18 AKA MY FIRST BOYFRIEND! This guy was smitten with me when I was like, 14 and in Air Cadets. So when he asked me out, I didn't know better and said sure. When I was 18, I decided to sleep with a guy to make sure I wasn't missing out on anything. I'd already been dating girls for 2 years by that point. Kyle had offered but he was out of town and I was ancy to get it over with and I ended up calling this guy up.
I wasn't missing out on anything.
The moral of the story is that if you haven't gotten a Facebook then you should. If only for the superiority you get when you find people from high school that you hated have gotten fat, had babies, and their babies are ugly. And that the nice girl from kindergarten is hotter than hot.
EDIT: also I've convinced Erin to play Cyber Nations with me. It IS kinda fun, massively multi player(over 40 000 nations), and not hugely time consuming. Anyone else interested? Andy? Tav? Jules? Whoever? Since my nation is rather large and strong(in the top 2500 after 3 months) I'll give you guys money to get you guys well on your way and teach you how to play it.
A Wiki on CN:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Pious7/Cyber_Nations and there's a link to the actual CN Wiki itself so you can poke around