Jun 07, 2004 07:12
folks shes not kidden
ahhhhh 4 more days left... only four more, i wonder how this summer will turn out. last summer was..... i remember last summer all too well. the best memory from last summer was Hawaii, ... meeting my jessa!! Bellows Beach,
the million hours spent with osker
haaa sneaking out mucho
I hope this summer brings a lot more fun
danyells pissed at me, for really, stupid reasons ,its bothering me ,last week she was all depressed and i kept asking her whats wrong sweetie and today she wrote me this letter saying of all people i should have asked sumthing
which i did
wuteva you cant do a lot about some things
ahh ive been listening to Blue and Yellow by The Used , since the video is outttttt
not much to talk about lately, just the excitement of school getting out so soon
soo peace for now
a long long update later
i promise =)