Apr 04, 2004 23:54
*dont even read this if ur looking for enlightenment. i just find myself getting in arguements more than discussions. i wanted to post this and get ur thoughts and concerns.
LmnogooddaY: hey
BrittleLevee: hello
BrittleLevee: what u doing up so late on a school night
LmnogooddaY: home sweet home
LmnogooddaY: ^^
BrittleLevee: ah
LmnogooddaY: its 11
LmnogooddaY: but really its 10
BrittleLevee: late
LmnogooddaY: so its not late
BrittleLevee: haha no
BrittleLevee: yes it is
BrittleLevee: why wont anyone switch
LmnogooddaY: i boycott the switch
LmnogooddaY: usual night is 11:30 from me
LmnogooddaY: i just got back from a weekend of sleeping
LmnogooddaY: i wont hit the sack til like 12 lol
BrittleLevee: haha
LmnogooddaY: u just want me to go to bed
LmnogooddaY: so u can be like rar im on spring break
BrittleLevee: haha u know how much i like to rar
LmnogooddaY: yeah
LmnogooddaY: your definatley a rarer if ive ever seen one
BrittleLevee: good to know
LmnogooddaY: ^ ^
LmnogooddaY: wat are u doing on so late?
BrittleLevee: no school
LmnogooddaY: still why online?
BrittleLevee: ?
LmnogooddaY: are ur friends online?
BrittleLevee: cause all my nardcore friends are-
BrittleLevee: yea
LmnogooddaY: u mean ur nazi friends?
BrittleLevee: sorry i tune out when the conservitive republican makes nazi jokes
LmnogooddaY: mmm
LmnogooddaY: sorry i tune out when the liberal who knows little about politics makes a comment about republicans
BrittleLevee: seeing as how u know so much about me and what i know and think and feel
LmnogooddaY: lol
LmnogooddaY: i dont see how u can see republicans are nazis
BrittleLevee: i dont
LmnogooddaY: because most conservatives are religioues?
LmnogooddaY: that makes em nazis?
BrittleLevee: i find republicans to be discrimitory
LmnogooddaY: true
BrittleLevee: and they happen to be mostly religious
LmnogooddaY: in alot of respects
BrittleLevee: and theyre discrimitory
LmnogooddaY: i find aethiests to be extremely discrimitory though
BrittleLevee: haha yea against religion
LmnogooddaY: yeah
LmnogooddaY: and relgious people
BrittleLevee: they dont believe in the thing that hates everything thats different
BrittleLevee: religion discriminates
LmnogooddaY: how so?
LmnogooddaY: jesus never said black people couldnt join in the fun
LmnogooddaY: certain religions do
BrittleLevee: take christians, they discriminate jews, gays
LmnogooddaY: ok
LmnogooddaY: im christian
BrittleLevee: yea i have no problem with buddhism
LmnogooddaY: do i hate jews?
LmnogooddaY: no
LmnogooddaY: matts not christian
LmnogooddaY: does he hate jews?
LmnogooddaY: yes
LmnogooddaY: while were on the subject
LmnogooddaY: i think that all black people steal
LmnogooddaY: kill
LmnogooddaY: and are gangbangers
BrittleLevee: its more the thing that u believe in is founded discrimination
BrittleLevee: ?
BrittleLevee: u think that about all black people
LmnogooddaY: ur being extremely stereotypical
LmnogooddaY: i was just pointing that out by saing that comment
LmnogooddaY: i dont hate gays either
LmnogooddaY: the religion itself is about acceptance
BrittleLevee: and it doesnt accept anything that doesnt conform with it
LmnogooddaY: thats not what its meant to be though
LmnogooddaY: thats how aethiest interperet it
LmnogooddaY: im no relgion expert
LmnogooddaY: but from what ive learned
BrittleLevee: nor an aethiest expert
LmnogooddaY: christianity is all about accepting ones neighbor no matter what they do
BrittleLevee: bull shit
LmnogooddaY: even if christianity saw jews and gays as bad
LmnogooddaY: it still says in the bible to accept
BrittleLevee: they say theyre bad because theyre different
LmnogooddaY: find me that passage?
BrittleLevee: thats why its hypocritical
LmnogooddaY: ive asked so many people to find me where it says that
LmnogooddaY: and so far no one has
LmnogooddaY: ive looked for it
LmnogooddaY: with no success
BrittleLevee: where it says it hates gays and jews?
LmnogooddaY: yeah
BrittleLevee: it obviously does
BrittleLevee: all religious activists are against both
LmnogooddaY: the bible is based of jewish beleifs
BrittleLevee: so
LmnogooddaY: so in reading the bible were like
LmnogooddaY: yay jesus was a jew
LmnogooddaY: yay moses was a jew
LmnogooddaY: they kicked ass
LmnogooddaY: but i hate jews
LmnogooddaY: that would go against the entire bible
BrittleLevee: jesus was a jew but converted
BrittleLevee: as the son of god
LmnogooddaY: converted?
LmnogooddaY: to what?
BrittleLevee: u accept him because he was a christian
LmnogooddaY: he couldnt have been christian
LmnogooddaY: in order to be chrisitan he would have had to follow christ
LmnogooddaY: he was christ
LmnogooddaY: not even his followers were christian
LmnogooddaY: his mother was a jew
LmnogooddaY: peter andrew paul
LmnogooddaY: all jews
BrittleLevee: first of all i cant even argue this because i dont even believe there was a christ
BrittleLevee: i think its all a crock of shit
LmnogooddaY: and your entitled to your beleifs
LmnogooddaY: but christians do beleive it
BrittleLevee: i know they do
LmnogooddaY: so they would have no where to tell them to hate jews
LmnogooddaY: if they stick true to the bible
LmnogooddaY: most dont though
LmnogooddaY: and go off and be wierd about it
LmnogooddaY: therefore not really making them christian
BrittleLevee: no but they say to discriminate anyhting that isnt christian
BrittleLevee: it says accept the neighbor
BrittleLevee: but they dont
BrittleLevee: take gay marriage
LmnogooddaY: christians dont have a problem with the legal aspect of marriage
LmnogooddaY: gay marriage*
BrittleLevee: every opposer of it always refers back to the bible and god and how its wrong for two members of the same sex to be married
BrittleLevee: so even the biological aspect
LmnogooddaY: marriage is a christian beleif in its self
BrittleLevee: bull shit
LmnogooddaY: no
BrittleLevee: its a union between two people who love oneanother
LmnogooddaY: there were differnt ceremonys before
BrittleLevee: around the world
LmnogooddaY: not marriage though
BrittleLevee: thats shit
LmnogooddaY: but true
BrittleLevee: i dont agree with that
LmnogooddaY: why else would they read from the bible?
LmnogooddaY: (btw i hope these disagreements dont affect our friendship)
BrittleLevee: they dont all
BrittleLevee: obviously it wont
BrittleLevee: they dont always use the bible
LmnogooddaY: well then its a legal thing
LmnogooddaY: i dont know about all anti-gay marriage people
LmnogooddaY: but my parents they have no problem with the legal bonding of it all
LmnogooddaY: my dads brother is gay
LmnogooddaY: and he supports whatever he does
LmnogooddaY: well actually my dads brother and 2 sisters are gay
BrittleLevee: fuck the legal part, what about the physical part
LmnogooddaY: still no problem
BrittleLevee: christians think its wrong for two women to get together or two men
LmnogooddaY: they just have a problem with the bible spiritual bonding part
BrittleLevee: see
BrittleLevee: cause the bible doesnt agree with it
LmnogooddaY: yeah probably not
LmnogooddaY: i dont hate gays
LmnogooddaY: but i dont understand/agree with what they do
BrittleLevee: i never implied that u hate gays
BrittleLevee: why wouldnt u agree
LmnogooddaY: it just seems wrong to me
BrittleLevee: and how hard is it to understand
BrittleLevee: see
BrittleLevee: it shouldnt matter
BrittleLevee: its only love
LmnogooddaY: i dunno
LmnogooddaY: something about it just seems wrong
LmnogooddaY: but im not gay
LmnogooddaY: so i guess to them its as right as rain
BrittleLevee: what seems wrong
BrittleLevee: i hate how u say "them"
LmnogooddaY: the whole penis in the butt thing
LmnogooddaY: i say them about women too
LmnogooddaY: i say them about straight guys
BrittleLevee: what about two chicks
LmnogooddaY: dunno
LmnogooddaY: i just would want to have a dick in my butt
BrittleLevee: see u take the whole sex part as a gross part
LmnogooddaY: i dont know how women feel about it
BrittleLevee: thats a cheap way out
LmnogooddaY: i got school 2morrow though
LmnogooddaY: lol
LmnogooddaY: yeah cheap way it is
LmnogooddaY: but im not gonna argue anymore tonight
BrittleLevee: haha i wish there was a rolling eyes face
LmnogooddaY: lol
LmnogooddaY: im sure i would have used it quite a few times tonight
LmnogooddaY: ^ ^
BrittleLevee: i just think its lame ud use the gross factor sexually to back ur opinions
BrittleLevee: w/e
LmnogooddaY: lol
LmnogooddaY: thats the only reason it seems wrong to me though
LmnogooddaY: i have no problem with guy love
LmnogooddaY: i mean i love some guys
LmnogooddaY: im not gonna have sex with them
BrittleLevee: what about women love
LmnogooddaY: but i love em
BrittleLevee: stop applying urself to other peoples business
LmnogooddaY: lol
BrittleLevee: cause u wouldnt u think its wrong
LmnogooddaY: im just sayin
LmnogooddaY: i dont have a problem with the love issue
BrittleLevee: thats a terrible expression
LmnogooddaY: the only thing i see as wrong is the sex
BrittleLevee: haha
LmnogooddaY: so if u think its lame that is my only backing up point for why its wrong
LmnogooddaY: i just dont understand ur logic
BrittleLevee: how dont u
LmnogooddaY: why is that lame
BrittleLevee: cause u wouldnt, so noone else should
LmnogooddaY: i beleive in a natural right and wrong
BrittleLevee: fuck natural
LmnogooddaY: guy on guy and girl on girl just seems wrong
BrittleLevee: natural = conformity
LmnogooddaY: maybe its society talking
BrittleLevee: its nothing but society talking
BrittleLevee: preaching
BrittleLevee: whhhhiiiich
BrittleLevee: leads back to the church
LmnogooddaY: but i feel that society these days accepts gays so much
LmnogooddaY: that its seen as normal behavior now
LmnogooddaY: making you the conformist
LmnogooddaY: but i really have to go to sleep
BrittleLevee: w/e
LmnogooddaY: we can continue this tomorrow
BrittleLevee: ight
LmnogooddaY: wanna do something this week
BrittleLevee: thought u had school
LmnogooddaY: i get out at 2
LmnogooddaY: u can come cruising with me
BrittleLevee: i wake up roudn then
BrittleLevee: haha
LmnogooddaY: and we can listen to the doobie brothers - jesus is alright with me
BrittleLevee: ...
LmnogooddaY: (its the only christian song i have)
LmnogooddaY: lol
BrittleLevee: how bout simon and garfunkal
LmnogooddaY: its actually a really good song though
BrittleLevee: and we'll forget about the doobie bigots
LmnogooddaY: yeah s&g is good with me
LmnogooddaY: lol
LmnogooddaY: i try not to let what musical artists do affect my likage of their music
LmnogooddaY: i wouldnt buy their music if theyre racist
BrittleLevee: of course
LmnogooddaY: but i sure as hell will download it ^ ^
BrittleLevee: haha
BrittleLevee: yea thats why ur a republican
BrittleLevee: haha
LmnogooddaY: yes siree
LmnogooddaY: and my love for money
LmnogooddaY: thats what keeps me going the most
BrittleLevee: werd to that
LmnogooddaY: big business! woot woot
LmnogooddaY: lol
LmnogooddaY: ack school is gonna rape me 2morrow
LmnogooddaY: night
LmnogooddaY signed off at 11:53:43 PM.