Surgery, Part Deux: The Longer Story

Aug 25, 2010 09:11

So, yesterday I went in, registered, went back, got my iv, answered a thousand questions to each doctor that walked in (mostly all the same questions, mind you), and everybody had a great sense of humour about everything. My anesthesiologist (a guy) commented that after the surgery, I was likely to have some bleeding and cramping similar to a menstrual cycle, "Not that I have any idea what that is like!". Made us all laugh :) He told Jason and my mother to kiss me goodbye before he gave me the good stuff, and was pushing it in while we walked into the surgical room. I actually got to see the surgery room this time! I did make everybody laugh when I asked where the machine that went "Ping!" was. I did hear somebody comment about me being a Monty Python fan...and the next thing I remember was the wake-up room.

All in all it went very well. They used a new procedure/tool that wasn't available last year, and I'm fairly positive that I was the guinea pig for my doc with this thing. I don't mind - somebody has to be, and from the way I'm feeling today, it was a huge success. I don't have the pain that I had last year at all! Yesterday I was still fuzzy from anesthesia (go figure!), but today I don't have that crampy ache that I had last year, I feel confident that I can actually lift things (although I'm not stupid enough to go overboard), and I don't feel like I had my strength sapped. Right now I'm really kicking myself for setting up to go to Traverse tomorrow rather than today :D

After the surgery, the doc went out, talked to Jason and mom, showed them the before and after pictures. Jason jokingly asked if he could get them in wallet size, so the doc gave him the pics! I've been told that I'm not allowed to post them on FaceBook. Spoil sports! Honestly, I wouldn't do that, although I'm half tempted to post them up here. They are kind of fascinating to see, at least to me, anyway :)

The other really cool thing was that of course, before I got wheeled off, I had to give up my glasses. My mother asked if there was some way that I could get them back as soon as I hit the first recovery room, as anybody who knows me knows I can't see past the tip of my nose. The doc was standing about where my knees were on the bed, asked how bad my vision was. I said "You're a giant blur." He agreed that maybe they'd come get the glasses from my mother or Jason right after surgery. Then they handed me one more piece of paper to sign, realized I couldn't legally do that without my glasses, gave them back to me, and my wonderful doc decided that maybe my glasses were best off in his pocket during surgery. When I woke up, they were on my face :D

My mother can be a pain, but it was wonderful to have her there, as she knew what things to push on that I would not have. Before anybody thinks I'm slighting him, it was of course wonderful to have Jason there too, and afterwards he took me out for corned beef sammiches. YUMMY! He also wouldn't let me open doors, sit down on my own, and generally yelled if I got off my butt yesterday. I got a lot of random heroics run yesterday :D
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